Hi, Dear Friends! March-April issue you say why we hardly have
the tinsel out of the way can it be the years are coming and going
so fleetingly? Hope you didn’t make too many resolutions that
are by this time staring you in the face but forgotten. If we could
all just resolve to be more Christ-like in the New Year and try to
do the work that God has planned for each of us wouldn’t that
I, like most of you, have plenty of work laid out for me and if
we step into it and do everything as God would have us do we’re
bound to have a good year. AND here goes: PAUL B. CURTIS, R. R. 3,
Fredericktown, Ohio 43019 sends along this nice letter of
appreciation and of interest to a fellow reader: ‘This is just
a note to convey my appreciation and a re-quest. First, the
expression of thanks for the item in your column concerning my
fire. It brought unexpected results and this brings us to the
reason for the request.
Shortly after the item appeared in the ALBUM, I received a
letter from R. F. Somerville of 12498 14th Ave. No. Haney, B. C.
Canada that he was sending a complete set of ALBUMS for 1956 which
arrived in due time. Since then, he has sent me a complete set for
1957 along with some articles and blueprint tracings of English
engines and steam wagons all without cost to me.
In his letter he mentioned that he is very desirous of obtaining
a catalog of a 1917-1920, 10-20 Titan tractor. I feel his
generosity and also his quest for such a catalog be publicized.
With a prayer for all of Heaven’s Blessings for you and
yours and all the Staff at Stemgas’.
We get many nice letters like the above and we appreciate them,
but can’t reprint them all nor is that expected I’m sure
but if you can help with information on the above it will be
A distress signal from L. J. WILLIAMS, R. R. 1 Adshead Road,
Lady-smith, B. C, Canada as he writes: ‘I have a 6 HP Galloway
Gas engine and am looking for any available information on it. On
the nameplate it has: The Galloway Mfd. by Wm. Galloway Co.,
Waterloo, Iowa U. S. A. No. 34811 HP. 6.
This information was put in the Gas Engine Magazine in the
Sept-Oct. issue and I received no reply so I thought I would try
the Iron-Men Album.’
Come on Gang there must be some-one out there in engine land
that can help Mr. Williams with his problem.
R. F. SOMERVILLE, 12498 232,, Street, Maple Ridge P. O., Haney,
B. C. Canada pens us: ‘I saw in your column in Jan-Feb. 1972
Iron-Men that Mr. Howe of Trenton, Ont. wanted information on a
Blackstone Oil Engine. These engines were built by Blackstone Co.
Stamford, Lincolnshire, England from 1900 to 1935. I don’t
think they are in business now. They were stationary, from 2 BHP to
70 BHP and were single cylinder. The big ones were compressed air
started. The smaller ones were started by hand. They were all 4
cycle, tank cooled and burned kerosene distillate and stove
To start, you heat up the hot bulb with a blow lamp till it is
cherry red, turn on the governors to start and pull on the flywheel
and away they go. The air valve exhaust and fuel pump were all
operated by cams on the side shaft. The governor is on the end of
the shaft and is hit and miss.
The engine of Mr. Howe’s is 8 BHP and runs about 300 rpm.
They were known as semi diesel hot bulb engines. The portables were
2 BHP to 25 BHP. The blow lamp is only used for starting.’
Well, thank you Mr. Somerville, that should help Mr. Howe and
many others. (This is the same Mr. Somerville that helped Paul
Curtis mentioned in previous paragraph).
OTTO MOEN of Fertile, Minnesota 56540 tells us: ‘On page 19
of the Nov-Dec. magazine there is a picture of the C. O. D.
tractor. You were wondering about what C. O. D. stands for sometime
ago I talked with a person that knew something about this tractor.
It stands for Cash-on-delivery. For some time this tractor was
manufactured in Crookston, Minnesota by the Crookston Manufacturing
Company. This town is about twenty miles from where I live. Later
on they moved to Minneapolis until they folded up in early
Thanks Otto for the letter. I’ve known for a long time C. O.
D. means cash on delivery but I didn’t think it meant that on
the engine that just doesn’t sound right to me. I thought it
stood for something else. (Are you sure they’re not kidding
W. HOOKS of 13 Heman Street, Toronto 14, Ontario, Canada would
like to know the address of an old farm machinery company called
Walter A. Wood. Does anyone know where he could write to find
ANDY ANDERSON, Box 258, Mans-field, Missouri 65704 has half
interest in the Wings & Wheels Museum of Santee, South
Carolina. Andy is a custom builder of antique aero planes. He tells
us that in the Museum they have an old steam train they built from
original prints. He says they ran it last year and again this year.
It entailed quite a few problems getting this project completed as
they had quite a few ‘bugs’ to contend with in
accomplishing their desire. But now he says the train runs o.k. and
is really a thrill to operate. Dolph Overton is the other owner of
the Museum.
Andy sent along a brochure of the Museum and it looks like it
would be an interesting place to stop while vacationing. It is open
daily from 9 to 9.
FRED H. EBERHARD, asks ‘Could you please tell me about the
stern wheel river boat that was auctioned off May 24, 1962? I would
like to know where it is and if it is still around. It was
advertised in your magazine’
Anybody know?? I have no answers.
He also wanted to know if they still have National Threshers
Association Inc. Williams County Fair Grounds Annual Reunions at
Montpelier, Ohio.
Yes, they still have the shows but it is now held at Wauseon,
Ohio in the latter part of June each year.
ED DEIS, 10373 Hobart, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 wants to bring us up
to date on the Historical Engine Society. He says: ‘We’ve
had a very successful year with two shows and two engine runs. We
have approximately 60 members and more joining all the time. We
have probably one of the youngest average ages for members compared
to other clubs in the area. Our President, Ellis Wellman is 32. 20
is the age of the Vice-president (yours truly). Our meetings are
well attended and we always have a good time. We send out a
newsletter every month.
Our Sunrise Show, which we advertised in the Album, was very
successful and compared favorable with the better shows we had a
lot of compliments. We are very safety conscious and are starting
to have speakers at our meetings to teach the members all about
steam and gas engines. We always have work-shops before and after
the meetings (and usually big Bull sessions, but oh what you can
learn by listening!) Any-way, I think you may consider the
Historical Engine Society as an established club and you’ll be
hearing more about us all the time.’
And we wish you the best of luck and fun with your newly
organized Club! May it grow and prosper!
And it’s about time to end this column for I know you have
many inspirations to begin getting all those little things done so
you can start making the rounds of the Reunions. And as you fire
those engines up for the forthcoming season, I’m sure your
spirit is likewise stimulated as you look forward to meeting old
friends again; And so let me end with this dissertation: A FRIEND
IS A PERSON-Who will help you in the hour of sickness; Who will
lend you a dollar without deducting the interest; Who will help you
up hill when you are sliding down; Who will defend you in the hour
when others speak evil of you; Who will believe in your innocence
until you admit your guilt; Who will say behind your back what he
says to your face; Who will shake hands with you wherever he meets
you, even though you wear patches; and Who will do all these things
without expecting any return Dorothy C. Retsloff. (How many friends
do you have? according to the above, I’m very blessed, for I
have many.)