Greetings to each and every one out in Iron-Men Album Land–I
bet I caught you at that engine–just oiling it up a bit or shining
it here a dab—or replacing a part or touching it up with paint as
you go eagerly through each day until the season evolves into one
of those beautiful days when you look forward to a wonderful season
again as Spring glides in and without too much time ushers you into
Do many of you have trouble sleeping? I think we all have had
those nights–here’s just a bit called WELL EARNED SLEEP-Make a
rule, and pray God to help you to keep it, never, if possible, to
lie down at night without being able to say, ‘I have made one
human being, at least, a little wiser, a little happier, or a
little better this day.’–Charles Kingsley–think on it–in
that paragraph is certainly a little something we are all capable
of doing.
That made me think of something that happens every Christmas
here in Harrisburg–am wondering if it is done in other parts of
the United States. Christmas Day, many Jewish friends go into the
hospitals and take over as many jobs as they can, so their
Christian friends can be home with their families– isn’t that
wonderful? I still say there is a lot of good in this world–it
just is never published as much as the bad news.
This letter comes from JERRY MOORMAN, R.R. 6, Box 159,
Greensburg, Indiana 47240: ‘In regards to your unclassified
photos, picture number 4 in the Nov.-Dec. issue is of the 1957
officers and members of the Pioneer Engineers Club taken at
Rushville, Indiana.
Seated in the front row L-R: Bill Meister, Walter Hood, George
Meister, Tony Hood, vice president Lawrence Porter, treasurer
Anthony Moorman, president Ray Jones, and Everett Huber. The
gentleman in the center of the picture with the suspenders and
ribbon is Nelson Howard, our first president. The engines are
Nelson Howard’s 50 HP Case and Ray Jones’s 12 HP
WAYNE CONNELLEY, Box 237, Stanfield, Arizona 85272 would like to
have any information on the PRIMM Engine Company of Marion, Ohio
such as what happened to the company and records. Any one out there
know — let Wayne hear from you.
This article with some pictures that might be of interest to
many Christian folks, especially service men that were around this
vicinity comes from CARL B. ERWIN, 106 South Elm Street, Newkirk,
Oklahoma 74647:
‘Dear Anna Mae: — Have you ever visited Lourdes, in
southern France? Millions of people have in past years, and I think
it has been time well spent.
While I was working with the 20th Engineers in late 1918, I had
a few days vacation in the Pyrenees, and several of my comrades
asks me to bring them some kind of momento from Lourdes. They
seemed to attach value for any kind of trinket or postcard, but it
must actually come from Lourdes. As for me I was very much
interested in the ‘Road of the Cross’ and the indescribable
beauty of the Basilique. While I am not an expert judge of
sculpture, the groups of bronze statues seem marvellous. I am
enclosing postcard views of the road of the Cross and the Church.
Of course, you may publish them in the IMA if you think they would
be of general interest.
You will notice that the hill is bare in the scene of the
crucifixion. I went back with my daughter in 1964. The marvellous
statues and the Church are as beautiful as ever, but the timber has
grown until it would make sawlogs. I’m sure you saw the movie,
‘The Song of Bernadette’ in which Jennifer Jones won an
award for her magnificent portrayal of Bernadette. My wife–I lost
her to cancer 16 years ago–enjoyed that picture so well. I
regretted it so much that she was not there to see Lourdes when my
daughter and I went in 1964. Southern France had changed very
little in ’64, they say that it has since then. One thing about
the movie which you will recall is that it was made during the war
when Hitler’s men held France, so it had to be filmed in
California. It would have been so much more beautiful if it could
have been made on location. Lourdes is so beautiful. The river
there is a lot like your own Juanita in Pennsylvania.
All in all my trip to France in 1964 was enjoyable. I found
people that I knew, and learned the address of others that I had
known. I obtained the addresses of some of my old comrades through
an old friend that I found in France. However, they have all passed
on. I don’t know of a single man that I served with in the 20th
Well, perhaps you are tired of this idle chatter. The French
call it ‘bavardage.’ (No, Carl I have never been to
Lourdes–as of yet in my life I have not been a traveler. Enjoyed
your letter and pictures and am hoping some of the readers
will–I’m sure it will probably touch on many folks in the
memory area.)
On one of the Christmas cards was a few notes–it comes from G.
E. SHELMAN, Union Star, Kentucky 40171. ‘Dear Anna Mae and
Family–Hope this card finds you and yours well and preparing for
the Holidays.
Enjoy reading your stories and happenings in the I.M.A. This is
a good magazine filled with good news, events and information. I
can’t do without it. Keep up the good work. Best wishes for a
Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. (Thanks so much
George–best to you also.)
I still have my high wheel Reeves– the only one in the state of
Perhaps you folks may be able to help DR. DAVID W. LARSON, 408
Altapass Road, Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777–He is interested
in finding out whether it is possible to build or buy a wood-fired
steam operated electric generator for a single private home to use.
(I would imagine you can, but I don’t really know of what he is
inquiring–so will turn it over to the competent readers in hopes
you will be able to write Dr. Larson.)
BOB McMILLAN, Box 52, Miami, Manitoba, Canada ROG 1HO sends
this: ‘I would like to know if anyone has records of Case
threshing machines. How many were made? Also serial numbers and
year of manufacture? I have a book of Case steam engine serial
numbers. I would like to know or hear from anyone who can tell me
any information on the above. Thanks!’
This picture comes from LOUIS MILLER, 807 Pine, Georgetown,
Texas 78826: ‘I have just bought this thing and the man I
bought it from said it is an old Case steam engine tender. Hay
anybody out there ever seen one of these? The lower part was for
water and the top for coal. I would be glad to hear from anybody
that has ever seen one.’ (Not I Louis–how about you
From CLARENCE E. CARLSON, R.R. 1, Ogden, Iowa 50212 comes this
letter: ‘Have been going to write for a long time. I have a 50
HP Case No. 32851 built in 1915. It is or was quite unique as the
cylinder head was at an angle so the name Case was not horizontal
like it should be. I think this engine was sold in Nebraska.
Pioneer Village–owned it at one time. I would like to hear from
someone that knew this 50 HP Case.
Also I wonder if anyone has a picture of the Reeves gas tractor.
It had a radiator that was about 3? feet across and was set
crossway of the frame as was the motor. It had a loud bark and you
could hear it for miles, probably a 30-60 or thereabouts. I sure
would like to see a picture of one or better yet a catalog.
There were two of Reeves tractors here at Ogden.
LAWSON W. ZARING, Route 1, Box 305, Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065
writes: ‘In regards to the unclassified photos, I.M.A.
Jan.-Feb. 1980, page 8, photo No. 1. I believe this is a photo of a
Case steam engine wheel; of course, I do not know where.
I own a J.I. Case 65 HP engine which has wheels on the cleats
positioned the same as that photo. The Case literature does not
explain this type of wheel. My engine also has heavy duty front
wheels and a wide road ring. If anyone can explain this wheel, the
whereabouts, and or about the cleats–write. Thank you.’
JOE PARKS, Route 1, Princeton, Wisconsin 54968 says: ‘I am
researching the rise and fall of the M. Rumely Company. As you know
this company purchased a number of other concerns including the
Northwest Thresher Company. The Still-water Public Library,
Stillwater, Minnesota has relatively little information on the
formation of the Northwest Company and its sale to M. Rumely. I am
indebted to Sue Collins of the Stillwater Library for much
assistance. However, I would appreciate hearing from anyone who
could supply information on the formation and the sale of this
A good suggestion to all comes from HICKOK & SON, Amboy,
Minnesota 56010: ‘When engine guys write someone for parts or
information, please send along an addressed envelope which is
stamped. Sometimes we can’t read the address and also those
stamps are counting up and if you send self-addressed stamped
envelope, you’re a whole lot more apt to get an
This letter is from one of our friends overseas and comes from
MARTIN HUNT, 2 The Shingles, Bredfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk,
England: ‘I am writing to you in the hope that the readers of
your good magazine may be able to help the local historical
society, of which I am a member, in researching the history of a
local firm of millwrights and steam engine builders. The firm in
question is called Whitmore & Binyon, although they sometimes
assumed the name of Whitmore & Son or Wickham Market Iron
From research so far conducted, we have found out that they had
an agency in New York. Therefore, it is quite possible that some of
their products may still be in existence. These may include milling
machinery wind driven pumps, steam engines of stationary,
semi-stationary and portable types. We are especially interested in
information about the latter, but any information about their
products will be greatly appreciated. We are hoping in due course
to publish a history of Whitmore & Binyon and any data received
will be acknowledged.’
The following communication comes from BASIL JONES, Bomar Water
Gardens, Cheraw, South Carolina 29520: ‘We came South a bit
early this year, Anna Thomas came with us, and we arrived before
Halloween. Orion and Mary Holen beat us here by six hours, but had
to leave for a few days. Mary is known for the hamburgers she makes
at steam shows, and Orion for the steam models he makes and
exhibits. Next to arrive were Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Young, from New
Brighton, PA., on their way to their wintering spot at Winter
Garden, Florida. Not knowing about Bomar’s trailer facilities,
they had parked their trailer at a state park near Cheraw. ‘E.
S.’ is a recently retired steelworker. No doubt they will
attend the Zolfo Springs show, and get to Haines City for the
Oderkirk show.
Our 28′ travel-trailer, unattended for six months, needed
only groceries to make it habitable once again. Then old friends
were contacted by phone, and plans were made to meet again. Earl
and Kathryn Schwartz of York, PA., plan to be here on November 20.
Earl, a retired locomotive engineer used to pull passenger trains
on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
There is less and less heard about the energy crisis; perhaps
because people are realizing the seriousness of inflation. On our
way South an overnight stop cost the three of us more than $38.00
just to stay all night. Next morning pancakes cost $2.25 and coffee
was .40?. That constitutes as great a rip-off as that of the oil
companies. And with less reason!
Pulling a trailer is still the cheapest way of spending a winter
in the South. Usually an overnight stop is $5 or $6.00. Mobile home
parks can usually be had for not much over a $100.00 a month. Most
of them are delightful places to spend a winter.
Bob Rogers has been in the hospital for three weeks. X-rays
showed a spot on a lung. A biopsy indicated it to be non-malignant.
He says he is ‘back in the saddle again.’ He is in his
office today, and he wants his friends to know that the latch
string is out, and trailer parking is available as per
Another letter from far away comes from M.A. TAYLOR, (a
registered firearms dealer), 75 Moor View Road, Woodseats,
Sheffield 8. U.K.: ‘I write not as a gun dealer, but as a
traction engine enthusiast. The old muzzle loading guns I mostly
deal in, are very comparable with steam, for each has to be
understood and coaxed to get the best out of them.
In the course of my wanderings, I acquired an American engine, a
22 HP special twin Buffalo Pitts N Y. The shop number is gone, so
I’m not knowing the number and only guess its about 1905 – 10.
(The next part I cannot make out very well in deciphering the
letter as it is hand written and the paper had been torn and pasted
together and only parts of the words were showing, but it went on
as)–looted, even blown up with dynamite. However, I’ve hunted
up most every part including new cylinders–it’s a twin–and
bed so that it now is well on the road to restoration once the tube
plate, tubes and typically Buffalo smoke box bottom is renewed.
Reading through years of old Iron-Men magazines would seem to
indicate that Buffalos are quite scarce now in the U.S.–no photo
of one in steam and rarely a mention. They did export a great deal
though. I know of no other in U.K. South America and Australia
bought them.
I wrote to Mr. McPherson in Ontario. He has a 14 HP in steam and
there’s another one in the United States, again 14 HP. They
comment on the rude?–their view– design of Buffs and frown on the
engineering standards of the Henry Ford cast iron engines, old
rattle to bits etc. U.K. makes them built to last. U.S. makes them
to a price–for a certain time, however, the Buffalo was the No. 1
at steaming chaff and would go where a man could walk, probably
refers to the lightness on soft ground. I’m quite happy I
don’t have dyed in the wool opinions and prejudices. The
Buffalo will do me and will look grand at Rallys. Iron-Men makes
good reading, I read a pile a few months back, hopefully–due
course, I hope to contribute.’ (Don’t mean to hurt
anyone’s feelings, but this letter was very hard to understand,
that’s why I always try to translate everything I can–because
sometimes, even if I don’t understand it, you learned steam
enthusiasts will be able to know what he is trying to tell
From WALT THAYER, Box 2175, Wenatchee, Washington 98801 comes
some reports on pictures. ‘This is regarding unidentified
photos in Jan.-Feb. 1980 edition. 1. Looks like
Bull wheel from a grain binder or else a rear wheel from a steam
tractor. Appears to be on permanent display as it’s fastened to
a concrete base and appears to be other ‘old iron’ nearby.
2. It’s a homemade and maybe portable sawmill.
The man probably operates the carriage, cut off and off bearer.
Looks like hardwood timber and saw looks about 4′ diameter.
3. Looks like something from Disneyland and all
but the driver are looking at something very interesting on their
starboard side. Looks like something from the sunny South and
well-matched teams and harness. 4. One look at the
wheels and I’ll say it is a homebuilt wood burner. Probably
built from parts of other engines. Boiler looks like one from some
old laundry and flyball governor and whistle could have come from a
Case tractor. A good rig for sawing lumber, firewood; or power for
small grain separator; silo filler or clover huller. It’s an
‘oldie.’ 5. It’s a Case, about 75 HP,
see name below stack, and separator might be a Case or Rumely.
Tractor in background might also be a Case. Probably at some
eastern engine show. On page 22 it looks like a horse at head of 32
mule team and maybe one or two on offside near center of teams–on
each side of fold in the picture–It wasn’t unusual to mix
horses and mules in multiple teams. This is probably a Western
location, as they rarely needed that many teams on eastern
combines. The combine looks very much like a Holt and the period
would be early 1920s or maybe earlier. My back still aches from
picking sacked wheat up out of the stubble near Ralston, Washington
in 1936. Used to get a load before breakfast to ‘work up an
Your magazine is like ‘home brew’–it gets better with
Following is a drawing by DALE MARTIN, 2021 153rd S.E.,
Bellevue, Washington 98007. This was sent in by Walt Thayer, Box
1275, Wenatchee, Washington 98801 along with his letter printed
above– The writing for the drawing is: Denver and Salt Lake 216 on
Devil’s Slide Trestle.–A September snowstorm indicates the
coming of winter and eight months of continuous operation of a
rotary snowplow to keep this rail line open. Just ahead of the
Mallet locomotive lies the Continental Divide and Corona Pass at an
elevation of 11,660 feet. To the right of the engine is a 1000 foot
drop to the valley floor and Middle Boulder Creek. Corona Station
consisted of some two miles of wooden snow sheds to protect the
railroad from 100 mile an hour winds and snow depths to thirty
feet. In 1928 the railroad was relocated through the six mile long
Moffat Tunnel some 2400 feet below the pass. Today this railroad
grade is a Forest Service recreational road.
That’s it for this time friends–so until next issue,–keep
writing us of your adventures in Engine Land– get those engines
tuned up because ‘fore you know it–it’ll be steamin’
time again.
Because of the large number of rally and show reports we
receive, and our desire to carry them all, we must limit the length
to 1,000 words, and shorter if possible. We do not limit the
pictures, if they are good and sharp. With shorter stories, and
more pictures, we can give you better magazines.
—-Gerry Lestz