Greetings with the March-April issue of 1983 and I guess by now
you are all settled into the New Year. And what about those
resolutions? Did you make any? Did you keep any? Oh well, I think
it’s good we try sometimes we really do accomplish some of
With all the terrible weather conditions in some of the areas of
distress, remember Spring is closer than it was in September and
I’m writing this in December you have to think on that one, but
it’s true. And by the way, we still have a lot of winter
weather time to go through, so perhaps I shouldn’t elaborate on
this subject.
And now we’ll get on with the letters and I’m happy to
say we have a bit more this time. Keep the letters coming
This letter comes from GARY KAPPEDAL, Route 1, Box 163, Lengby,
Minnesota 56651 and he needs help in identifying some items: ‘I
have three brand new sleeves and pistons with rings and wrist pins
that I’d like to know their use. They have a
43/8‘ bore. Wet sleeves with a length of
9 3/16′ which are stamped on top of the flange 29. The pistons
are cast iron. Ink stamping on top of piston face C 1020. Casting
number inside of piston skirt 1177. Piston height 5′, wrist pin
diameter 1 5/16′ 3 compression rings 3/16’ wide, one oil
ring ‘ wide. I would assume they are for an old-time engine,
being it has cast iron pistons. I was wondering if it could be for
some Case tractor, being the ink stamping starts with a C, then the
part number. Any help will be appreciated.’
MEL GRENVIK, 115-1st Avenue, N.E., Kenmore, North Dakota 58746
has this to say: ‘It’s been some time since I’ve
written. I regret the absence of the unclassified photos section
(cheer up, Mel, they will probably be in again) but in the
Jan.-Feb. issue the big centerfold picture contributed by Gene
Jones of Bedford, Iowa was an instant challenge to me for engine
identification. I wonder how many readers have come up with it. It
is an obscure, certainly little known make. I believe this engine
is a very early O. S. Kelly, or Springfield engine. Either one
would be correct since Mr. O. S. Kelly organized the Springfield
Engine Co. early in his career. The engine is probably 10 HP.
‘The wooden front wheels are not that unusual for an engine
of that era. The one key distinguishing feature is the dual D
handles visible on the driver hub apparently the mechanism for
locking out the differential gear to get full traction on both of
the drivers in an emergency situation. This lock-out feature was
provided in one form or another on many other makes of engines
including the Case.
‘The magazine is still tops. The letters to Soot in the
Flues column make for such interesting reading. I read this section
first upon receiving each new issue. (See fellows, keep sending
those letters, that’s what makes the column.)
We get many varied comments from our avid readers as to how much
they enjoy the magazine, but recently MRS. CARL STRAWSER, Box 12,
South Milford, Indiana 46786 sent in the subscription renewal for
her husband with this note: ‘He said to tell you that he likes
the Iron-Men Magazine so well that when he leaves
this world he wishes you could send it to him in Heaven.’ (I
thought you’d like to hear that one).
‘The picture that Rich Howard of Hysham, Montana sent is of
interest to me. I think it is from a steam powered automobile that
was called the Hupp mobile. I once had an engine somewhat like it,
but let it get away. Anyway it is a very interesting engine and it
is a pity it did not have better care.
Editor Lestz and Mrs. Lestz are to be congratulated and envied
for their visit to Merrie Old England. I would love to attend one
of their rallies,’ says CARL B. ERWIN, 106 South Elm Street,
Newkirk, Oklahoma 74647.
Then Carl enclosed this photo of the 50 HP Case that he owns and
he commented: ‘We have had our little Steam Engine Show near
Springfield, Missouri. We have had a good attendance. We have a
good setup now with about 10 acres of land paid for, a good deep
well and modern rest rooms with hot and cold running water. Hook-up
for campers, also. You all come!’
LARRY NELSON, Box 3806, Davenport, Iowa 52808, phone number
319-263-8960 has recently acquired his first engine. He is excited
about it and is hoping to hear from some of the readers. The engine
is a Colean 18 HP S.N. 322. He tells me the Company was bought out
by Caterpillar of Peoria, Illinois in 1908. He feels the Colean
engines are pretty scarce as he knows only of a 40 HP in Lima, Ohio
and a 40 HP in a museum in Canada. He bought his engine from Milo
Matthews, whose name is familiar to many of our readers. So, please
take the time and write Larry if you have a Colean engine or know
anything you think he should learn.
‘As always, I enjoy each issue of I.M.A. and look forward to
each future one,’ states ROLLAND E. MILLER, 271 Wales Avenue,
River Edge, New Jersey 07661.
Rolland goes on to say he has a great interest in sawmills and
is interested in anything pertaining to this subject. He claims he
does not own a sawmill, never did and probably never will, but he
has been around a few and would like any general knowledge of the
subject and the lumber industry. Information would have to be very
basic as he knows almost nothing about the sawmills now. Perhaps
some of you readers might understand what he is seeking.
A note comes from ROSS STEINER, 4517 Crestshire, St. Ann,
Missouri 63074 and he would like to help boys and girls of all ages
who collect and display steam engine show buttons. In fact, Ross
would like to start a bi-monthly newsletter for show button
collectors, and would like to hear from others who are interested
in button collecting. Such a club would help button collectors in
different states to exchange duplicates for buttons of shows they
could not attend, etc. Ross’ phone number is 314-427-7184.
HARRY JARRETT, 214 N. Judson Street, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701
sends a short notice of the Pioneer Harvest Fiesta Show as he
‘Well, another year has come and gone. The 26th annual
Pioneer Harvest Fiesta. We thought the 25th was the largest but we,
with the help of all of you, made this the biggest show yet. We had
11,000 in attendance, 250 gas engines on display and running, 150
gas engines for sale, running and parts. In the flea market we had
80 vendors. There was an 1892 steam popcorn machine in operation,
12 model steam engines, 6 full size engines. Sawing lumber, sorghum
making, plowing and threshing were some of the operations
demonstrated. 35 states and Canada were represented in the show.
Mr. George Jackson, President, and myself, Harry Jarrett, want to
thank all of you, large and small, for attending the show. The show
was a big success. We are planning more events for next year.
Let’s make #27 the biggest yet. See all of you next
Commenting on some items from the Jan.-Feb. ’83 issue, EDWIN
H. BREDEMEIER, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441 writes: ‘I enjoyed the
article ‘Old Nancy’ and those students who had a chance to
work on it will always have something to tell about it.
The picture on page 14, from Walt Thayer, of the Case thresher
got me to looking the second time. Notice the parking brake handle
on the side. The bagger on the thresher is taller than those
pictured in my 1905-1909 or 1912 catalogs. The feeder is the feeder
used on the Wood Case machines of 1905 through 1912 or later. The
blower is of the laying down under rear type. The thresher is
32′ or larger. If I knew the serial number I could tell year of
manufacture. The serial numbers on Case threshers are stamped in
frame or metal below the cyl. pulley just behind where the man is
leaning against the machine.
My first experience with Case thresher was as a small lad. My
father purchased a full Case outfit, 32′ x 54′ all steel
thresher with Case windstacker, Case feeder and No. 1 regular
weigher with wagon spouts, Case water wagon and they called it a 12
HP engine with a 16 HP cyl. to handle the size thresher. They did
this to have a lighter engine for crossing bridges. It did create a
problem firing when threshing tough grain. The engineer had to keep
on his toes. Then when I got old enough to take over firing, Father
traded for a gas outfit. His engine had a cast iron funnel with it
for filling the boiler like the one pictured on Old Nancy.’
JOHN B. TOY, 10 Springfield Court, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard,
Beds., LU7 7QT may appreciate some help from our readers as he
tells us: ‘I plan visiting the USA this year and it will be my
second trip. I wonder whether you can help me, or if not could you
put me in touch with someone who can help? I will be spending a
month in the U.S. looking for anything that is steam-powered, and
whilst I have comprehensive lists of railway locomotives, static
exhibits and active ones, I have very little information on where
to find traction engines. I would very much like to know whether
there are any large collections along the route I will be
takingobviously if private collections, I will write in advance for
permission to visit.
I will start off by visiting the Henry Ford Museum, where I
understand there are a number of engines, then I will visit La
Porte to see engines there. I will then have a long drive across
Illinois, to Mt. Pleasant in Iowa where I plan spending three days
at the Midwest Settlers Reunion. From here I will drive via Grand
Island to Denver and down to Durango, Grand Canyon and into
California where I intend visiting Los Angeles, San Francisco and
Sacramento plus various steam railways.’
(If you think you have anything to tell John to assist him in
seeing all the collections he can on his trip, please write him as
I’m sure he will be most happy to hear from you.)
Needing your assistance, this plea comes from D. M. VALDOVINOS,
Prop, of Bagley Saw Mill, Bagley, Wisconsin 53801: ‘I have read
your IMA magazine and enjoy it very much. I’m putting a steam
engine on my sawmill here at Bagley, Wisconsin and would like to
know more about this engine. I enclose a picture. The engine has a
8′ piston with a 14′ stroke. The flywheel has a diameter of
62′, 11’ wide. This engine has a name tag on the cylinder.
It reads Eagle Works Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Illinois. I would
like to know how many RPMs this engine should turn and the
horsepower with what steam pressure. Also would like to know more
about the company that built the engine and what year they were
I also enclose a picture of the boiler and would like to know
who built this type of boiler. It is made of 7/16′ plate and
measures 36′ in diameter with 64 1′ tubes, 8′ long. It
also has a valve in the dome that takes the steam to the front
above the fire sheet to supply steam to the engine. This must heat
the steam in front again.’
I know we like to exchange fun ideas, witticisms and etc. so
thought you might enjoy something I came across called Our Funny
American Language
One fowl is a GOOSE, but two are called GEESE,
Yet the plural of MOOSE should never be MEESE.
You may find a lone MOUSE or a whole nest of MICE,
Then why isn’t the plural of HOUSE HICE?
If the singular is THIS, and the plural is THESE,
Should the plural of KISS ever be KEESE?
We speak of a BROTHER and also of BRETHERN,
But though we say MOTHER we never say METHERN.
The masculine pronouns are HE, HIS and HIM,
But imagine a feminine SHE, SHIS and SHIM.
So the American language, I think you will agree,
Is the funniest language we ever did see.
(I thought it was cute and may bring a laugh or two comes from
Uncle Ben’s Quote book Benjamin R. DeJong).
And in leaving you this time with a few quotes remember:
It’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice
Friends, like all good things in this life, can be had by anyone
who wants them. There is only one simple rule to follow; it is
this: to have a friend, be one yourself It isn’t your position
in life that counts it’s your disposition. AND that is it for
this time, Dear Friends, so Bye Bye and…..