‘HELLO’ again to all you fine folks everywhere! My, how
the time does fly here I’ve been so busy getting to know a lot
more of you folks that I just didn’t realize it was publication
time again. Of course, I know by your letters you think the ALBUM
should come out more often but that will have to be somewhere in
the future.
I’d like to say a cheery ‘Hello’ to Fred McPhail of
Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada, who has been a
patient there for over a year and Fred says he just had a slight
stroke but that he is coming along fine. Fred spent 34 years
working on the railroad, in the mail cars, on the N.Y.C. Time hangs
so heavy when one is confined to bed and I’m sure Fred would
appreciate getting cards and letters from you. How about it? Please
drop him a line and by the way Fred, thanks for your letter to us.
We’ll soon have one on the way to you.
I was feeling pretty gloomy one morning when I received a lovely
letter from Mrs. Lorita Worden, 3353 Montrose Ave., La Crescenta,
California. Her enthusiasm for the ALBUM and its items of jewelry
and so forth was overwhelming. Mrs. Worden is a nurse and has a
hobby, collecting different types of cuff links (the patients like
them and I imagine they are conversation pieces) and she wanted to
know if we didn’t have cuff links, studs and also stationary
made up with the traction engine designs. She inspired us to look
into the matter and we’ll let you know in the near future if we
will be handling them. Thanks for the ideas!
I had a letter the other day from an ALBUM member who stated our
office makes two mistakes and I quote ‘1. Your office never
acknowledges money received for a renewal or a subscription when
you receive it. AND 2. You never acknowledge money received for an
ad and telling us when it will come out.’ Just a note on the
above statement. We make a lot more than two mistakes, but we try
to correct them. However, it is impossible for me to write and tell
everyone when I received their money. But if a check or M.O. is
sent you are sure of not losing it, or if you desire to send cash
and want the receipt please send along a self-addressed card, and I
will gladly answer. After all we have over 4900 subscribers. And on
the 2nd problem, the same rule can be applied, except that I
can’t tell you when the ads will be printed. If they are in
early you are pretty sure of it being in the next issue. We ask
that ads be in 45 days preceding the issue. In this case the ad was
sent in January 15 to be put in the March-April issue and did not
make it. The man thought it should have been in, but the
March-April issue was mailed February 6 which meant the magazine
was all finished at the printers at the most by January 30, so you
can see why it wasn’t in. I’m only presenting the contents
and answers of the above problems, because I feel there are many
more of you people who are asking the same questions, at least in
your own mind. I hope this helps clear it up.
I’ve clogged the flues enough for this time and I hope you
all have had a most happy and Blessed Easter. Along that theme
I’d like to send along a poem entitled