Judging from the announcements and ads blowing in with the March
winds, I’m sure the ‘good ole summertime’ is not too
far away. At least, it is a good thought, isn’t it? J. F.
Komarek of Bavaria, Kansas is one of our newer subscribers and he
wrote us and tells us he is from a family of threshers, among them
his father and uncles, and we quote, ‘My uncles were threshers
owned the only Huber double cylinder steam engine I ever knew
of-one cylinder was upright along side the boiler and the other was
horizontal on top of the boiler. They were good engines and I would
like to know if there are any of them left?-CAN YOU ANSWER MR.
And from Archibald Snare, Jr. of Kamefield, R. D. 2, Hillsdale,
N.Y. a letter of criticism, meant to be friendly and constructive
I’m sure. He writes, ‘ I find a considerable number of what
I suppose are typographical errors. Oddly enough, many of these
turn out to be legitimate words, but change or make a puzzle of the
sentence or paragraph. In this same field, fall the letters from
readers which could stand a little correction in grammar, etc. (Am
I way off base?)’. Well, Archie, we feel that to change the
letters and articles that are being sent in, would be to lose a lot
of the character of our magazine. True, the grammar is not always
correct, and by far the spelling is not always perfect (you should
try and read some of the hand-writing!) And believe me, I don’t
mean this unkindly, for we welcome all letters. Some of these folks
are of many different descents and it is hard for them to master
our English. We feel, by letting the material as nearly as it is
when we receive it, is much more interesting-however. we do try and
correct some of the spelling and punctuation, but many times the
spelling they use is acceptable to them and is used quite often,
for instance, some people spell NABER and some spell it NEIGHBOR.
Depending on the story we are apt to use either one. Just thought
I’d mention this, for probably many of you folks would like to
ask the same question.
We had a nice letter from Richard Heaven, 860 N. LaMay Ave.,
Ypsilanti, Michigan. He tells us that between Christmas and New
Years, he had a vacation and he and the Mrs. and two children took
a trip to Greenfield Museum, about 20 miles from their home. He and
David thoroughly enjoyed the steam traction engines, steam pumps
that had been used to pump water out of mines in England and all
the steam locomotives from the first train that ran in the U.S.
(replica) to the big C & O 4-6-6-4 that hauled coal in our
country. His wife and daughter looked at all the dishes, doll
collection, old dress shops and hundreds of other things. They
spent 4 hours and some things only viewed from a distance. So if
you live near this Museum, why not visit it? It sounds like fun!
Dick says the family is all interested in scouting, and they have a
son in E. M. U. also. Nice letter from a nice family.
Well, that’s about it for this time except for a few quotes.
Find happiness in your work or you will never know what true
happiness is. The sweetest music is not in oratorios, but in kind
words. Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if
you just sit there.- Kindness is one thing you can’t give away
it always comes back.