Oh, if I only had the energy that this little Tommie has I tell
you things would really fly. He seems to be bursting with pep like
those old steamers when they reach their full capacity of steam and
then let loose through the smokestack. I really admire that
vigorous enthusiasm for life. He just buzzed around through here a
few times leaving us all awhirl. Ill bet you one thing, with Tommie
And I know the summer won’t be dull for you folks if you can
make it to the reunions you are planning. Copy is brim full of ads
and forthcoming events of the season. And speaking of these
get-togethers I have a letter many of you may be interested in
reading: ‘I have been wanting to write for sometime, but am
just now getting around to it. I am a bus driver who owns a double
T Peerless engine and for quite awhile, it has been on my mind to
try and take a bus load of steam fans to some of the Western Shows.
Finally, after much talking, convincing, studying, figuring and
many miles of leg work, I have a seven day bus tour that will visit
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and Pontiac, Illinois, ready to present.’
(You will find an ad elsewhere in the magazine by Lincoln Bus Tours
if you would like to know more about this drop them a line.) This
letter came from DALE HEMP-FING, R.D. 1, Glen Rock, Pennsylvania
17327. He sent us a sheet with the itinerary and it sounds quite
interesting. Seems to me like they try and spend almost two days at
each show and then the traveling time itself should be
HARRY CUMMINS, 1702 East Cypress, Enid, Oklahoma 73701, was
presented recently with the Distinguished Citizen Award plaque at a
dinner given by The Greater Enid Chamber of Commerce at their 65th
annual chamber banquet, January 17, 1970. This is an award
presented annually to The Man of the Year. Harry is a product of
the golden age of steam and all the marvelous machinery that went
with that period of American history. Born 76 years ago in Clay
Center, Nebraska, he later moved to Lincoln to live with an Aunt
and Uncle and as a young man worked around the Burlington railroad
shops, learning the power of the big steam engines. He enlisted in
the Army, served overseas in World War I, came back, married,
farmed for two years, then got into a threshing operation and then
into railroad shops at Enid. After this, he worked with a builder
in the construction of houses and’ in following years went into
his own business of building small business buildings, mostly
service stations. He and his wife, the former Helen Payne, were
blessed with three sons through the years, who, after serving in
World War II, came back and and the H. E. Cummins & Sons Con-
struction operation was started and was known as Cummins
Construction Company, Inc. Through this division the company began
construction of highways throughout the State of Oklahoma. In the
meantime, the H. E. Cummins & Sons began to branch into bridge
construction and together these companies have completed projects
on every major highway in the State of Oklahoma. I could go on and
on, but I think you get the idea Harry has many significant
accomplishments to his credit, among them the construction of
Arrowhead Dam, one of the largest dams of Texas and many more.
The total 1969 volume of all Cummins related divisions will pass
ten million, with over 300 employees involved in construction of
highways, bridges and dams along with fabrication of steel
products, land development and sales of heavy equipment. So, we
here at the home base of the steam magazine say ‘Hats off to a
true ‘Iron-Man’ one who has climbed a long way to success.
We hope you enjoy many years resting on your laurels.’
S. L. KLAAS, R. R. 1, Box 27, Melbourne, Kentucky 41059, writes
us: ‘I have been building model steam engines for quite some
years, but I have never had a casted cylinder with its parts in it.
I always had to make my cylinders out of the solid block and then
drill and plug to get what I wanted. I would like to know if there
is a book in the Model Making foundry work, or would I have to seek
the professional to get my patterns and core making to build a
slide valve, or piston valve steam cylinder with the parts casted
in, also, by passes?’
Had a letter from BERTON BLAZEK, Box 147, Rexford, Montana
59930. In it, he enclosed a cancelled ticket and some information
on an odd locomotive located at Fort Steele, British Columbia. I
assume he was there and rode it he did not say. However, here are
some of the facts on the Locomotive Dunrobin.
The Dunrobin locomotive and saloon coach are Victorian era
relics built for a Duke and driven by four reigning monarchs. It
was built in 1894 and was operated for private pleasure of the Duke
on the tracks of the Highland Railway Co., between Inverness and
Golspie, in Northern Scotland, where he had a private station near
the castle. It is called ‘Dunrobin’ after Dunrobin Castle,
in Scotland, ancestral seat of fourth Duke of Sutherland.
Victoria businessman, Harold Foster* bought the locomotive, a
tall-stacked steamer with its ornate saloon coach and had it
shipped from Scotland to Vancouver Island. The British Columbia
government bought it, making it part of a provincial museum being
constructed on site of first North West Mounted Police base west of
the Rockies. Historic Fort Steele, near Cranbrook will be the final
home for the locomotive. It runs between Fort Steele and Kootenay
River View Points. It has a Passenger Agent, Dorothy McTavish,
Engineer, Robert McTavish, Fireman, Angus McTavish and two
Conductors, Earl Fennessy and Gustav Johnson. Also, quite a number
of years ago, I saw an article in a magazine about how to build a
small foundry for making small castings in the home. I would also
like to know about a Skinner Automatic engine I am working on as I
lack the ported cast cylinder 1′ bore and 154′ stroke. I
have been around in the Power Plant Engineering and Railroad
Locomotive Maintenance. I still have the steam in my veins.’
Can anyone help Mr. Klaas? If so, drop him a line. I’m sure
hell be eager to hear from you. BOB PERKINS, Route 1, Eldorado,
Wisconsin 54932, is interested in building a Baker Fan for testing
steam and gas engines. He would also like the formula for figuring
the horsepower. Anyone know if he can get plans and a formula? Bob
would also like to know how power was transmitted to the front
wheels of a Lansing four wheel steam traction engine when the
wheels were turned and that I asked Mr. Ritzman about and his
answer was, ‘It is all chain drive’ so if you understand
that Bob, good. Mr. Ritzman has a Lansing four wheel engine in the
Korn Krib. I don’t know if you knew that or not.
R. H. RAEBURN, 3105 Churchill Ave., Malton, Ontario, Canada,
kids us a little with this note. ‘I think both your magazines
are good reading and informative. One thing that puzzles me is in
your articles about harvesting, what we always called
‘sheaves,’ you Yankees call ‘bundles.’ Did you
never hear of the song, ‘Bringing in the Sheaves’?
Yes, Sir, we have heard of that song and if you’re asking me
I don’t know if there is any difference or not I guess just so
long as you bring them in that’s what counts. If there is a
difference, well hear. Thanks for writing. Well, I better get this
ended as I know you folks are interested in getting your magazines
on time and looking over all the places to go to the Reunions. Have
fun! And remember April showers bring May flowers – with the help
of spading, fertilizing, planting, watering and weeding. Bye bye
see you next issue. ‘Until we try we don’t know what we can
do, and that’s why some people have such a good opinion of