May-June issue?? The sun was out so beautifully and we thought
Spring was peeking around the corner but look again – SNOW! SNOW
and snow. Well, we’ve been lucky at that, as it manages to
leave pretty well before the next flurries as they say. Snow fool
in though Spring is on the way and I know you can already feel the
warmth of the fellowships at Reunion times. Get that last bit of
you’ll be on your way to Happy Times.
And that’s enough of my gabbing as we have a lot of letters
to go in the column this time and I’m sure you’re more
interested in them.
JOEL N. SCHROCK, R. R. 1, Box 78, Arthur, Illinois 61911,
writes: ‘I have been informed there is a way to change a gas
motor over to steam by changing a few things. Where can I get this
information or is there a package deal on something like this? I
would be thankful if you could help me on this.’
Well, Joel, I can’t help you but maybe one of our readers
can come to your rescue. How about it gang?
DONALD J. DRAPER of 1515-12th St., S.W., Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, would like to know: ‘Could you tell me where I might
secure information on the Gould and the Baker valves that were used
on the steam traction engines?’
CARL H. PRIESNER, 3 South Spruce St., Ogallala, Nebraska 69153,
came across this bit of reading that he thought would be of
interest to you. It was in a Nebraska Municipal Review. It had been
passed along by Schuyler Utilities Superintendent Frey Ayers. He
had found it somewhere while looking for Centennial display
pictures. There is no indication as to when it was written but even
today, he thought power plant workers should find some humor in it.
And we feel many readers will enjoy it too.