Here we are – off on another go-round of Reunions – they have
already started in some areas then too, many of the Clubs have a
Spring Steam-Up that helps you get through the days ’til Show
Time. Isn’t it wonderful to have a hobby that gets more
interesting every year? And it helps you get through the other
months – just planning for the next year’s get-togethers.
We’ve been busy here at the offices getting ready for the
1975 seasonin case you haven’t seen the notices you realize we
now have our First Directory off the press you’ve been asking
for something like this – so ’tis here $1.00 per copy plus 25c
handling and postage. Or buy them at the reunions or through the
different Clubs. And let’s hear your comments on them. Also-
don’t forget to get busy and send those recipes to us for our
Cook Book so far I’ve only received three recipes and they were
from the same person.
A lot of Show Reports are coming in and this is good, but many
times you don’t say which magazine to use them in – and it is
our policy not to run the same Show Report in both Iron-Men Album
and Gas Engine Magazine as many folks get both publications. If you
feel they should be in both magazines, I would suggest two
different people writing their views, or when sending it in, bring
out the points pertaining to the magazine in which it is being
Another item – many of you are sending me newspaper clippings of
the Show Reports and pictures Fine, but if you want me to use them,
or even parts of them in the Magazines, I must have written
permission from the newspaper in which they appeared. Please, get
this for us, as my limited time does not permit me to write and ask
for permission.
And now onto chit-chat from the readers:A down-to-earth writing
from MAURICE STEADMAN, R.R. 1, Box 20, Naper, Nebraska 68755 –
‘I haven’t been able to keep my subscriptions in effect,
due to unstable income, but I hope now to do so in the future. I
have retired and on S.S. and though not too much, I should get a
steady income. You have a real good magazine for us Steam Nuts!
I don’t own an engine, but I’d crawl to get to Madison,
South Dakota, Threshing Jamborees. I operate an engine every fall
at that show. I’ve been attending that one since 1966 and until
it was discontinued, the threshing show which was held each fall at
Niobrara, Nebraska. I helped unload two steam tractors from flat
cars when I was younger, also a Case 65 HP exhibited at a County
Fair in Wisconsin. It was a new tractor. I don’t remember the
year anymore. Was sorry to hear of Elmer’s passing. I never met
him, but I felt as though I knew him. I was born in Erie,
Pennsylvania. Hoping the magazine can continue.’ (Well, we sure
intend to keep it going Maurice and thanks for the nice
Then comes a missal from ARTHUR W. PERDUC, Box 1537, Salisbury,
Maryland 21801 as he reminisces – Arthur is 89 – we appreciate his
‘A few years ago I started making notes of some things I
thought my grandchildren or great grandchildren may be interested
in. (I now have four great grandchildren.) Since reading the
article in your magazine by John Gasley and being a steam engine
buff myself, I thought to send you some of the notes I had made and
add a few more. I am not a writer, far from it. I am not even an
educated man.
Some of my first memories of a sawmill were when I was six years
old, my father moved his family just a few hundred yards from his
sawmill. I would spend hours sitting on a heap of logs watching the
mill operate. The two jobs that interested me most were the sawyer
and the fireman; the carriage as it moved back and forth carrying
the logs through the saw, turning it into lumber and slabs.
I mentioned before the two 40 or 50 foot tubeless boilers. I
would like to mention the engine. This was a very old big mill, the
cylinder was 12′ x 24′ and end crank, the flywheel I would
say on a guess was 7 or 8 feet in diameter, the saw mandrel drum
24′ or 30′. This big flywheel and small drum gave the saw
the correct R.P.M., the H.P. of this engine was about 125. When I
was about 10 years old my father discarded the two cylinder boilers
and replaced them with a tube boiler.
When I was 13 years old my father tried me at farming. I was no
good. He then put me in the mill. My job was the back leverman. I
was doing a man’s work and very often complimented by the
sawyer. When I was 15 I was promoted to fireman. This was a
challenge, but my father gave me a few lessons and I soon caught
on. From 15 to 19 I worked at several jobs when the mill was not
running. I cut timber and hauled it a part of the time with a yoke
of steers, other times with a pair of horses. When I was 19 we had
a lot of timber on the yard. I dropped a few hints to my father
that I could saw; he told me to go to it. I then had complete
charge. I did not have to learn to saw, I had watched it done for
13 years, and he spent his time on the farm.
On Friday night of the week I became 21 years old he came in the
mill and paid the men $1.00 per day of 10 hours. He paid me $1.50
per day as sawyer.
When we finished that contract of timber, my father sold the
mill after 38 years of saw mill operating, and I had saved enough
money to attend business college. I was then 22 years old and spent
about nine years in the sawmill. This finished my career with the
A short show report comes to us from FLORENCE COX, Route No. 5,
London, Ohio 43140, on the Miami Valley Steam Threshers Show:
‘Good Morning: –
This is a good morning to live with my memories, of last July,
at the Miami Valley Steam Threshers Reunion.
The ground is white with snow. The thermometer is 6 degrees
above zero. Last July the weather was perfect for our Miami Valley
Steam Thresher’s show.
Our show was the best one we have ever had in the 25 years of
the Association. As it was our Silver Anniversary, we had 25 Steam
Engines, lots of old tractors, gas engines and old farm machinery.
Some things I had never seen. (I have lived all of my life on the
farm) In other words we had a SHOW.
We had people from 24 States, Three foreign Countries, New
Zealand, Canada and Denmark. The Folks from New Zealand had such a
good time, they spent two days looking. They bought our Anniversary
Book, buttons and badges.
Guess we printed too many Anniversary Books, as we still have
some left. Perhaps we can sell them at this year’s Reunion,
which is July 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th at the Madison County
I would like to know what other Threshers have for entertainment
in the evening. As money is hard to come by, we want to have good
entertainment but not have to pay out too much cash. We want to
please everyone that comes to the Show, but HOW???’
Perhaps you will get some suggestions, Florence – on what to
have for entertainment – I would think you could use perhaps local
talent, or maybe a Dancing School nearby would be happy to put on a
showperhaps have a Square DanceFiddler’s Contest keep
thinkin’ you’ll come up with some good ideas, I’m
CLARENCE MIRK, 2362 No. 85th Street, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226
would like some information or pictures on an Avery steam engine
built about 1904. It was a top-mounted engine, double cylinder, 22
HP. It was an experimental engine and only three or four were built
of this model. His father owned one of them.
A new organization called Cracker Barrel Days is attempting a
second show this year at Wapakoneta, Ohio at the Fairgrounds there.
According to JAMES R. WYCOFF, R.R.3, Box 200, Wapakoneta, Ohio
45895, they had a small show last year and are trying to grow a bit
more this show time. James has been appointed Chairman of the Steam
and Gas Engines Committee and would appreciate all the help he
could get – information, etc.
CARL B. ERWIN, 100 S. Elm Street, Newkirk, Oklahoma 74647 says:
‘I would like to put in a word of praise for the advertising
power of the I.M.A. I have had several ads in it and have never
failed to get what I wanted.
Also, I like the way you put words together. I always read Soot
In The Flues, first.’
Thank you very much Carl, that’s the nicest compliment
I’ve had personally for a long time and I’m glad to hear
the advertising is getting some results.
CHARLES S. GUMTOW, 15 Ballard Ave., Apt. B, St. Augustine,
Florida 32084 would like to know if the following companies still
exist and if so, what is the present address of each: 1. Tiny Power
Steam Models, run by Charles V. Arnold & Son. 2. Denison Live
Steam Models. He says the first one used to be in Oregon years ago
and the second was in Cleveland, Ohio at one time. (I feel I should
know something about these for the names are familiar, but I
can’t seem to find anything on them – so I’m turning to my
ALBUM Family – if you know you can let Charles know about it, but I
would like to know also.)
LOIS BROWN, 426 Marian Street, Dover, Ohio 44622 mailed us a bit
of news and she entitled it ‘Steam Whistles Lead to Wedding
Bells.’-‘Jim Sloan of Route 2, Dover, Ohio, the newly
elected vice-president of The Tuscarawas Valley Pioneer Power
Association, Inc. announced that his son, Larry, (also active in
the association) met Jane Toole of Route 4, Cadiz, Ohio -whose
family is active in the Stumptown Association through the shows at
Stumptown and Dover and now have plans to marry.’
The other officers serving the Tuscarawas Valley Pioneer Power
Association during this year and the August 1975 Show are:
President – Verle Baker from Dover; Secretary – Bob Scheetz from
Massillon; Assistant Secretary -Dale Prysi from New Philadelphia;
Treasurer-Earl Scheetz from Massillon; 3-yearTrustee-Frank Shutt
from Sugarcreek; 2 year – Trustee -Whitty Beachy from Sugarcreek
and 1 year Trustee-Jim Sutton from Minerva.
Had a nice visit with some Iron-Men Family readers early in
February Mr. and Mrs. George Neal and Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon and
James Neal (brother of George) stopped by the house to see me. We
had a real good chat and they brought their scrapbook to show how
their club is progressing. They’ll be having the Second Annual
Show this year – Tuckahoe Steam and Gas Association. They’re
all fired up with the upcoming show and the ‘doings’ of the
Club and why not?
We all went out and visited Earlene Ritzman then and she was
kind enough to take the folks through the Korn Krib (Elmer’s
Museum) which they really enjoyed – even if we did all freeze-how
about it? Good Luck to you with the Organization and thanks for
stopping to say ‘Howdy’.
And if you’ll take note in the magazine you’ll find a
Display Ad entered by Earlene as she will be having an Auction Sale
this fall -many interesting items to go to folks who will cherish
and enjoy them as much as Elmer had enjoyed preserving them. Keep
watching if you’re interested – for further information on the
THOMAS JENSEN, 559 Sheldon Road, Palmyra, New York 14522 also
stopped by to exchange some conversation in February. I think he
was out for a ride and had stopped here – we weren’t home and
he went on down to Lancaster and called Helen Ament at the
Lancaster office – then on his way back, he found us at home. Seems
Tom is retired and enjoys jaunting about -we enjoyed talking with
you Tom and thanks for the picture (He took a snap of our house and
then gave it to us – looked real niceand a very kind gesture.)
The Maryland Steam Historical Society, Inc. held its annual
election of officers at the Armacost Farm Center in Fowblesburg,
Maryland. Elected as follows: President, Mr. Gilbert Wisner now
serving his ninth term as president. He deserves a lot of credit
for his outstanding work and cooperation during the past years. Mr.
William Hopkins was elected to be the Vice-President. Mr. Hopkins
is well known in Carroll County and he has served in official
duties here in Maryland. Mr. Mertice Masimore of Pleasant Hill,
Pennsylvania was elected as 2nd Vice President. Mr. Masimore is a
watchmaker and he has been with us many years. Mrs. Margaret Merkle
was again elected to serve as Club Secretary. She has held her
position for 18 years and has done a superior job. The Treasurer,
Clark Ensor of Baltimore County was also re-elected to serve as he
has done so faithfully in the past years. Many thanks for an
outstanding job.
Board of Directors included 17 other people – sounds like they
have a well organized board of officials. I’m sure they are all
getting ‘up steam’ for the upcoming show in September.
After their meeting, they had a movie titled ‘Hampstead
Firemen’s Parade-1947’, which brought back many memories.
(Marshall L. Matthews, Publicity Chairman sent us this report).
BERNARD M. ROBINSON, 1527 Squaw Creek Road, Fostoria, Michigan
48435 writes us: ‘Im trying to get information on the
Lunkenheimer steam whistle in the November and December Iron-Men
Album magazine. I sent a letter to the adress in LaCrosse,
Wisconsin, but never received any answer. I wonder if I used the
proper procedure?’ (I’m not quite sure what Bernard is
speaking of, as I looked and looked through that issue and
couldn’t find anything about the whistle. If you know or can
help Bernard, please do!) I’d like to enter this poem written
by Mrs. Viva M. Boehm, Bock Lane, Baden, Pennsylvania 15005. Mrs.
Boehm is a member of the Northwest Pennsylvania Steam Engine &
Old Equipment Association, Inc. and had written this poem to use at
one of their banquets-I think you’ll enjoy it.