Hi Friends! With this issue out I’d say the reunions have
paraded by one by one for another season. We do hope you’ve
found much enjoyment in your hobby activities and you meet the
nicest folks agree?
CLIFF MAGNUSON, Glasford, Illinois, R. R. 2, 61533 says: ‘I
am interested in your Iron-Men Album. I lived during a period when
were accomplished by horse drawn instruments known as horsepowers.
These unloaded corn and connected to speed jacks to saw wood clean
grain, wood boring machines etc. The invention of the steam engine
brought to agriculture the mechanical age. It also meant
improvements on crude replicas of the pioneer people’s ideas of
improving and enlarging hand tools to animal power. I’m pleased
to no end to the people who collect and keep alive America’s
glorious past for people to enjoy for real, that was every day
living fifty and more years ago……A Grateful Friend of Early Gas
and Steam Farm Power.’
From SCOTT McCORMICK, Box 421, Princeton, Wisconsin 54968 comes
a note: ‘In the Iron Men Album for September-October, I saw
some unclassified photos. I’ll tell you about unclassified
photo No. 5. I took that picture right here in town in 1932. That
was the picture of the steam roller. That roller belonged to Dodge
County and was operated by Walter Smith. He is the man in the
picture. They had started to put blacktop on State Highway 23. I
took that picture right close to where I now live.
I was at the Dodge County Show and they had a nice crowd. I hope
to get there again next year. Hope this information helps
RAY JONES, President of Pioneer Engineer’s of Ind. Inc., 133
Hillenbrand Avenue, Batesville, Indiana 47006 sends this
information: ‘In the unclassified photos of the
September-October issue on the bottom of page 30 is a picture taken
at one of the annual reunions of the Pioneer Engineer Club. I am
sorry I cannot give you the exact date, but would be in the early
50s. The first engine in the row is my 12-36 Russell #13360 and
mounted on boiler #13459. It was built and shipped from Massillon,
Ohio, in June 1906. I had pulled a portable engine through the
parade and I am standing on the engine. This is only a part of the
engines as we always have about 25.’
JOHN BERGREEN, 4564 E. San Gabriel Avenue, Fresno, California
93726 writes: ‘On page 14 of September-October Iron Men Album,
there is a photo of an engine and several people. There is no
identity of the engine. This is a Reeves cross compound, 20
horsepower, manufactured 1905 or 1910 or thereabouts. My father and
his sons had a 32-110 Reeves at Osage, Saskatchewan. I ran it
threshing 1925-1935. Of course, the Reeves is my choice of the
engines. If possible, let me know who has this Reeves engine.’
(Read on John, further in the column, as Mel Grenvik has that
answer in letter.)
A note from TIM STEWART, Route 2, Box 233H, Paso Robles,
California 93446 as he writes: ‘I’m still interested in
hearing from any one who knows about Armstrong engines are they
really rare?
Also would like to get in touch with Bob Bates (used to be parts
manager of Witte engines) about my collection of Witte
Don’t forget to get your next year’s dates to us as soon
as possible so we can go ahead with the 1979 Directory. And have
you noticed we are receiving more entries each year thus the
Directory is growing. And upon mentioning that I’ll introduce
you to a new one across the waters. It is known as the National
Stationary Engine Association, now over a year old and I thought
you might like to know its aims and etc. You may be interested and
want to get in touch with them as it is involved with the
stationary engines many of you folks are primarily interested in
these specifically as your hobby:
A bit of interest from the pen of BLAKE BOARDMAN, 16460 Heather
#204, Cleveland, Ohio 44130: ‘I have been catching up on the
Iron-Men Album. The article about the big steam engine at Republic
Steel, I am quite familiar with it. I was in the Elect. Const, crew
for 33 years before retiring and have worked installing vapor proof
lighting at all oil points on the engine, also a pump to recycle
the oil. I have stood and watched this engine in operation. I never
saw it stuck, but it has broken the rolls in the blooming mill when
the roller would take too big of a bite on the ingot. The ingot
would hardly be through the roller in a forward pass when it would
be in reverse for the return pass which was controlled by a
Schnlter valve. It does not have a flywheel and for an engine that
size the noise is comparatively small.’
Blake enclosed a Xeroxed copy of a picture of the Mesta steam
engine. It could not be reprinted, but 1 thought you’d like to
read the caption that came with it:
‘The Mesta stationary steam engine that powers the 44 inch
blooming mill at Republic Steel Corp. here is the largest in the
It is the only one of two steam engines of this type built by
Mesta Machine Co., Pittsburgh, still in operation. The other was
built for Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.
The steam engine has been in continuous operation since Feb. 28,
1916. It was installed in the first steel plant built here for
Corrigan, McKinney & Co., acquired by Republic in 1936.
Plans for the engine were approved in 1911 by Lorenz Iversen.
chief engineer and later president of Mesta.
The tandem, twin-compound reversing engine, originally designed
to operate at 25,800 horsepower,’ was later modified and now
functions at 33,000 horsepower.
Measuring about 30 feet by 90 feet, its crankshaft alone weighs
nearly 130 tons.’ John Leo Koshar
MEL GRENVIK, 115 1st Avenue N.E., Kenmare, North Dakota58746 has
something to tell: ‘Thank you for publishing my letter in the
September-October issue that I wrote questioning the identification
of the Case engine on the cover of the March-April issue. The owner
of the engine, Joe Richardson, in answer to a letter of inquiry I
sent, in a nice letter identifies the engine as ‘ his 65 Case
No. 33379 (1916). He was also kind enough to enclose pictures of
his 50, 80 and 110 engines. So I was wrong too!
Regarding the picture on page 14 of September-October issue, Mr.
Wall indicates the identity of the engine is unknown. This is a
Reeves close examination of the picture reveals the lettering
(___ves & Co.) just above the head of the young man 3rd from
left. Also, the Reeves & Co. monogram is on the steam chest. I
believe this is a cross compound about 16 HP built in about 1903.
Thought I’d pass it on. (Reeves went to the flat spoke type
wheels in later production).
I continue to look forward to each issue very much. You folks
are doing a remarkable job.’
Just finished making a couple gallons of dessert for the big
cook-out up in the country for Labor Day There are usually more
than a 100 people there and the owner and relatives cook roast
beefs on spits over the fire for people who like roast beef they
tell me it can’t be beat I wouldn’t know, as I don’t
care too much for meats, but the table made from a wagon bed is
loaded with all kinds of good things: baked potatoes, baked lima
beans, cole slaw, several salads, and then when you get to the
desserts and cakes and piesooh my! Thought maybe you’d like to
make the dessert that I made to take along. Let’s just call it
Dessert Delish!
1 large can of fruit salad 1 medium can of pineapple chunks 1
medium can of mandarin orange slices 1 large box of vanilla instant
pudding 1 large bowl of whipped cream (you get them in the freezer
section at your store) 2 cups of miniature marshmallows
Drain the fruits well. Make the pudding and pour over, then the
whipped cream and mix in the marshmallows until all is mixed
This can be served right away or chilled or better yet, it can
be frozen and used at a much later date.
I made three recipes of this and have it in a large Tupperware
container must be almost two gallons. It really disappears in no
time. I put it in the freezer and it’s all ready to go next
Monday. As large amount as that is, it doesn’t take too long to
defrost. Try it! You’ll like it.
That does it for this time, Friends. I hope you’ve renewed
old acquaintances and made many new friends this year as you toured
the reunions. See anything new or different write us your family
likes to read these items.