Hi! Well, here we are with half the summer gone and it seems as
though we just ‘got up steam’ – funny how time passes so
quickly these days. Since everything else in this day and age is so
fast, I sometimes wonder if we really have 24 hours in each
We had a letter from S. C. Jones, Box 21, Wichita, Kansas a
here want: to know if a rope belt was ever used for threshing? The
rope wrapped around fly wheel twice, 6 times around cylinder
pulley, did not require such accurate lining and rope did not have
to be tight, like flat belt. The rope came endless and could be
easily spliced and one rope lasted several seasons. The Iron-Men
could have had something on rope belt and I missed it’. -Can
anyone answer ‘Casey’ Jones??
Also, had a letter from Harry Yates, 3775 Herman Ave., San Diego
4, Cal. and he would like to hear from any engineer who may have
had experience with a Buffalo-Pitts return flue engine of 30 or
35hp and of about 1910 or so vintage. His dad and he bought one in
1915 and it was pretty old then. Quote, ‘Just how old it was, I
do not know, but if any of you fellows ever had experience with
such a critter, would you write me and let’s swap yarns with
what I call the worst outlaw that ever wore a belt. Hoping to hear
from some of you brother steam hogs’ – so get your letters to
Harry and become acquainted with a new pen pal.
The two younger children and I just returned from a few days at
Ocean City, New Jersey, where we enjoyed ourselves along with 10
other folks all in one cottage, which makes for a good time. Elmer,
Earlene and Marsha, and Elmer’s grandson, David Gil-son were
there, also with Roy Glessner (our cartoonist) and his wife, Naomi,
and their two lovely daughters, Janet and Ginny and her friend, –
Jim Wilbur, and another real nice teen-ager, Noel Egan. We had a
wonderful time. Everyone was so congenial – sometimes, with that
many personalities under one roof it doesn’t work, but
everything was fine. Oh, we all kidded each other and pulled
tricks. At night, there were cots and air mattresses everywhere, in
the living-room, kitchen and utility room, but is was fun with the
usual escapades after the lights were out – the giggling,
whispering and teasing would really get underway. Then too, we
enjoyed bicycling on the boardwalk, gathering shells and beautiful
stones from the seashore (at 6 in the morning-ugh), walking on the
beach at night and just sitting and absorbing the beauty of the
ocean and those beautiful, wonderful waves which break in a
never-ending procession. To me, to watch the ocean is very
inspirational – it really makes you realize how small we
individuals are and how great is God.
That about does it for now, so till next time, remember – If
looking at the ‘higher ups’ makes you discontented, look
down occasionally at those less fortunate than yourself.