Hi Dear Ones! When you are reading this issue the shows,
reunions, meets, festivals, whatever will be in full swing – folks
will be enjoying each others hobby interest and planning ahead for
the future shows which are always anticipated as bigger, better,
beautiful isn’t it fun?? I know it is for I get the satisfied
comments from all you wonderful folk and I know how much you enjoy
they?? But then, you do have to have time to get back to the normal
pattern of daily living and creating and working towards next
year’s goal. God bless each one of you – enjoy these times to
the fullest.
A new group is having their first show on September 25 – their
name is Williamsburg Lions Club Gas Engine, Steam and Tractor Show!
They’ll be meeting for this first show at the Williamsburg
Lions Club Community Park. And we just want them to know the
Magazine Families are wishing them much success and enthusiasm to
continue for many years – and do let us hear how your first show
was accomplished.
OTTO TILKER, R. R. 4, Metropolis, Illinois 62960 sounds happy as
he writes: ‘Just want to thank you for a wonderful picture on
the July-August issue. It is just great. And I think most everyone
will agree with me. Give us more of that if possible.
I was raised right up with steam and spent over thirty years
doing all kinds of work with the engines, Jumbos and Kecks. They
were all good. Ran the last steam rig to thresh in my county in
year of 1949. We had no radios on them at that time, but we got
some real music from the exhaust. Either on sawmill or thresher
(Keck could out talk Jumbo) and neighbors have told me that late in
the evening they would like to sit out in the yard and listen to
old Keck talk.
I go through the Iron-Men first whenever it comes. Keep up the
good work and good luck. I have sold some things through your paper
and I must say I feel they are all a group of wonderful
people.’ (Thanks for a friendly note, Otto bet we could have a
good chat if we met.)
DENNY KURTZNEIN, R. R.2, Box 88, Montevideo, Minnesota 56265 is
restoring an A. D. Baker steam engine believed to be in the early
1900s. It is a 16 HP with an engine number of 459. He would like to
know if anybody could tell him the original color and any other
A friendly letter comes from GUY E. KENYON, Box 997, Yermo,
California 92398 as he begins with: ‘Dear Anna Mae – I’ve
been a subscriber to Iron-Men Album Magazine for many years – since
it was first started and have practically every copy except some I
loaned and didn’t get them back. I consider you an old and
trusted friend since I have been reading your column for so many
I want to commend you on at least two things: that beautiful
cover on the July-August 1977 issue, and also for wrapping it in
cellophane so it reaches us in decent condition. As you know, a
hobby magazine such as yours arouses the curiosity of everyone who
sees it. They can’t resist thumbing through it, reading a
little; soon its dog-earned and untidy. So keep up the good work
and keep the magazine coming – we would surely hate to be without
it.’ (Well, I’m glad to hear from you Guy, but in both the
above mentioned subjects, I can take NO CREDIT that credit goes to
Editor Gerald Lestz and I’m sure he’ll be pleased to read
this. Thanks for writing and best wishes for continued I.M.A.
reading – Guy is 80 years young and also has a nice
CLYDE D. BORDER, 1473 Westgate Drive, Kissimmee, Florida 32741
sends this ‘I have to write you a short note to express my
feelings regarding I.M.A. I enjoy it so much and I think the color
cover is just grand – sure brings back memories. Keep up the fine
work. First thing I read is about the cover, then to Soot in the
Flues. Thanks again!
As I.M.A. is a farm magazine I am enclosing a poem that I think
our readers would enjoy.
My wife learned it from her father over sixty years ago – author
is unknown:
From PETER M. LEDWITH, Project Assistant, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and food, Ontario Agricultural Museum, Box 38, Milton,
Ontario, Canada L9T 2Y3 comes the following paragraphs:
‘We have recently acquired a couple of unique tractors for
the Ontario Agricultural Museum for which we can find very little
information. I would greatly appreciate a line or two in your
‘Soot in the Flues’ column, requesting your readers to
supply us with whatever information they might have concerning the
history of these pieces of machinery, or leads on parts, literature
and so on.
The first tractor is a Stinson, built by the Stinson Mfg. Co.,
Superior, Wisconsin, powered by a Beaver engine, made in Milwaukee.
This tractor is in poor condition, and requires a number of parts
before it can be restored.
The other is a garden tractor, called the ‘Bull
Terrier,’ made by the Haney Mfg. Co., Philadelphia. This
tractor has been restored, but we have literally no information on
it, other than its name and manufacturer.
I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me in this
matter, and I hope that you have further success with your fine
We extend best wishes to Appalachian Fall Farm Festival and
Heritage Show with their upcoming Reunion – This is the first we
have heard from them – certainly hope it won’t be the last
time. I noticed in their activities along with steam engines –
wheat threshing and etc. they have a cow chip throwing contest
(sounds different) and a tobacco spitting contest, log rolling-so
lots doing in Ohio – keep it up! This is at Lake Snowden, one mile
east of Albany, Ohio on US 50 – October 1 and 2.
CHARLES A STARK, Route 2, Box 167A, Republic, Missouri 65738
sent a letter and one of last year’s souvenir programs from The
Ozarks Steam Engine Association Steam-O-Rama. Thank you Charles, I
appreciated seeing it. Quite a nice lot of pictures along with
short stories and program data. Charles says they are a small show
but have lots of fun and that is what the shows are all about. He
is thankful they can get together for this type of fellowship, see
old friends and make new ones.
The family came to Miles City in 1911 and filed on a homestead
north of Miles City in the Taylor Creek area. Dad Nelson supported
his family working for the ‘Big Farmers’ operating around
Beach, North Dakota. Kelly Nelson, son of Robert W. Nelson loans
this picture to Mr. John Anderson of Miles City, Montana for use in
your magazine.
Also, The Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association will
hold their National Meet at their show this year so they are
looking forward to a big crowd.
Charles, wife and two daughters keep busy with family affairs,
church work and engine shows.
Welcome to another new club known as The Northern Indiana
Historical Power Association. It was formed early this spring when
a group of men who were interested in the preservation of antique
farm equipment and power joined together to form the organization.
First show will be September 3, 4, 5, 1977. They tell us there will
be something of interest to everyone so to another new group having
the same interests as our reader shats off to you and may your
efforts and desires prove fruitful. We’re glad to have you in
the Iron-Men Album family. Make yourselves at home in our midst
we’ll be happy to hear from you. By the way this show will be
in Valparaiso, Indiana at Porter County Fair Grounds.
Had a nice visit one day from CHRIST B. STOLTZFUS, Route 1, Box
275, Gordonville, Pennsylvania 17529. Through our conversation he
told me of a Frick Engine Club -now I had never heard of this and
he sent me some material later to pass on to our readers as I’m
sure some of you will be interested in it.
The Frick Engine Club in an association of Frick engine owners
or enthusiasts. They are a clearing house for information about
Frick engines, gathering and supplying this information to their
members. They publish an annual list of Frick engines and owners.
They provide reprints and books of interest to their members at
discount prices. They help locate parts for Frick engines. They
help you buy or sell engines. They are a non-profit club affiliated
with The Old Time Historical Assn., Inc.
If you own, or are interested in Frick engines, you may want to
become a member of The Frick Engine Club and enjoy associating with
other Frick engine enthusiasts. For more information you can write
Frick Engine Club, P. O. Box 70, Climax, North Carolina 27233.
I’ve been in touch lately with WILLIAM FOSHAG, Project
Coordinator, Folklife Program, Smithsonian Institution, 2100
L’Enfant Plaza, Washington, D. C. 20560. He had hoped to reach
some of you folks who might be interested in participating in the
Folk life Festival, but after our conversation, I don’t believe
there would be enough time for anyone to apply, but I would like to
tell you a bit about it – in case you are able to attend it as a
spectator. You see, although this won’t be held for a few
months, all plans for such a large undertaking must be squared away
at a very near date.
The Festival of American Folklife, presented yearly by the
Smithsonian Institution, features musicians, dancers, cooks,
craftspeople, and others in demonstrations of the rich traditional
heritage of the American people. One part of this year’s
Festival will be a program concerning the traditional use of energy
for the production of food. This demonstration will be a large part
of the 1977 Festival, to be held from October 5-10 on the National
Mall. During the six days of the Festival, up to one million
visitors will attend and observe the presentations.
The energy conversion program will demonstrate the use of raw
energy sources of wind, water, fire and muscle power. These power
sources will be developed by various engines and mills, and
transmitted by various means to food processing machines. Food will
actually be processed and produced by these machines, and, when
permitted by health regulations, distributed to the Festival
visitors. (So that gives you a bit about what to expect and if
possible, it would be well worth it to visit this affair. I suppose
if you had any questions you could contact Mr. Foshag at the
address given above and you probably would receive an answer.)
I think that about winds it up for this time and in parting
might I remind you – just as soon as you know next year’s show
dates, get them to me I’ll really appreciate it.
And might I leave you with this thought from Charles H. Spurgeon
‘Be good, get good and do good. Do all the good you can, to all
the people you can, in all the ways you can, as often as ever you
can, as long as you can.’