Two interesting pictures come from RICHARD COUNTRYMAN, 313 S.
Celia Avenue, Muncie, Indiana 47303-4613, who writes, ‘I have
subscribed to your fine magazine for a few years now and I have
always enjoyed the photographs from the ‘old days.’ I have
enclosed two photos that I made from photographic glass plates. We
found a box of glass plates in my grandfather’s basement after
relatives from long ago. Enclosed are two of these images that my
amateur photographer grandfather took sometime between 1905-1915.
My grandfather lived all of his life in Herkimer, New York, and his
brother had a family farm outside of Canajoharie, New York. Many of
the plates had images of horses, buggies, cows and the farm
buildings. I hope your readers enjoy the photos.’
We had a call from DAVID KROMER, P.O. BOX 307, Dallas, Oregon
97338, and he has a 1912 Aultman-Taylor 20-60 steam traction
engine. He is seeking the color scheme, color of lettering and
striping on this engine. He is looking for pictures in color with
the proper color scheme. Would also like to know if there is an
Aultman-Taylor Club and is someone collecting the serial numbers of
these engines? If you have any information for David, please call
503-623-3316 collect.
We received this ‘thanks’ from CHAD ATTEBERRY, 931 Robin
Road, Blackwell, Oklahoma 74631, ‘First, I would like to thank
the staff of IMA for the picture of Ivan Burns on the back cover of
the March/April issue of IMA. Ivan worked long and hard many years
building and supporting Oklahoma Steam Threshers at Pawnee,
‘I ran on the Case Incline at Pawnee for ten years with Big
Mac’s World Famous Elgin Watch 40 No. 31393.’ The board of
directors at Pawnee voted to repair the incline for 2001 and 2002.
Thanks to the board, Bob Marrs family, Ross Staggs, and Jerry
Swanson, the new planks are on the incline and it is ready to
‘One hundred years ago the first incline test exhibition by
Merrill Meggs at state fairs of Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri
were held in 1901.’ One hundred years later, May 4, 5 and 6,
2001, Big Mac’s 40 Case once again will be running on the Case
incline at Pawnee. Paul Martens, Fairview, Oklahoma; Carl Tuttle,
Howell, Michigan; President of J. I. Case Heritage Foundation will
be running his 40 Case No. 34641 also on the incline. I would like
to thank Carol for supporting Oklahoma Steam Threshers.
‘I always look forward to Larry Creed’s and Gary
Yaeger’s pictures in the Album.’ Larry mentioned our dear
friend, Lyle Hoffmaster, and Case Eagle feathers. You must remember
our banker friend almost choked on Eagle feathers at a show in
Illinois. I was afraid we would have to call 911. Thanks to Tommy
Lee, he solved the problem. Tommy said, ‘If you don’t want
to choke an eagle feathers, it’s best to keep your mouth
‘Maybe the boys will once again let the ‘Old Man’
Chady, try his hand on the incline. Seventy-one and still having
And, COLIN W BEAMISH, Box 271, Hamiota, Manitoba, Canada R0M0T0,
sent two pictures. Of the one at top, he wrote: ‘Getting ready
to thresh at the 2000 Hamiota Fair with our 1913 40 Case, 1913 18 x
36 heavy weight Case separator, and Case water tank.’ This
outfit is owned by Jack Beamish of Homiota, Manitoba, Canada
Colin had this to say about the photo below at right: ‘This
1914 80 Case was bought new in 1917 by Richard Welsey Beamish. This
engine threshed, moved buildings, and road graded until 1942. The
engine was then sold to a saw mill where it ran until 1952.
Our final letter this month comes from LARRY CREED of R.R. #13
Box 209, Brazil, IN 47834, who has sent some more great photographs
to share:
‘As you read this column, the 2001 Pawnee Steam School will
be concluded for the year.’ Many new steam friends will have
been made among the students and instructors as the students are
from across the United States and Canada. The location for the 2002
Pawnee Steam School will be Pawnee, OK. It will be nice to return
to a familiar stomping grounds and old steam friends. I have dug
through my photographs to find some pictures for you to enjoy.
‘Photograph #1 is of a threshing crew on the road to their
next ‘set.’ Gaar-Scott Co. of Richmond, Indiana,
manufactured the steam engine. This company also built the favorite
steam engine of Gary Yaeger’s. No, Gary, it is not a ‘Big
Forty,’ but a standard gear, single cylinder traction engine.
My 1911 catalog shows that single cylinder engines with coal and
wood boilers were available in 10, 13, 16 and 18 HP sizes and
engines with universal boilers could be purchased in 16 and 20 HP
sizes. All plowing-gear single cylinder engines were mounted on
universal boilers only and were available in 22, 25 and 32 HP
sizes. The universal boilers had a fire-brick arch, straw grates
and a dead plate. These were removed and coal grates installed when
burning coal and wood. All single engines had the cylinder reverse
mounted over the rear wheel.
It is not often I acquire a steam photograph which has as much
information about the picture. During the 2000 Pawnee Steam show I
was fortunate to meet Don K. Beighle of Mustang, OK, who provided
me with photograph #2. The engine looks to be a 13 HP Russell
engine here is the history given to me by Don: ‘My grandfather,
Homer O. Beighle and his cousin Otho Wright both from Prairie
Chapel, OK purchased this steam engine, a thresher and a binder.
With this equipment they furnished wheat threshing services to
their neighbors and themselves. They were both members of local
Grange Organization; the members encouraged them to purchase this
equipment. Funds to purchase this equipment came from a loan that
was secured by the family homestead, which was acquired in the land
run of 1893. This picture was taken in the 1920s. When the Great
Depression came along they began having a problem meeting the
payments on the note. The banker did not foreclose, but as wheat
prices fell to zero, they could not secure work for the threshing
equipment. They sold the equipment to traveling scalpers who were
making the rounds of the farming community buying up equipment at
scrap iron prices. My uncles had encouraged his father (my
grandfather) to mortgage the family farm to purchase the threshing
equipment. When unable to meet the mortgage payments my uncle
committed suicide. This was a dark chapter in our family history
and was not discussed in much detail. They sure did make sure the
family was aware of the hard times in the 1930s and how they
affected people farming the Cherokee Strip in the early
‘The next three pictures were given to me by a friend,
Bronson Hoerchler of Mascouta, IL. Photographs #3 and #4 are of a
threshing scene most likely taken in Illinois or Missouri as the
bulk of Harrison Machine Work’s customers were within a 100
mile radius of the factory in Belleville, IL. The engine is an
‘old style Jumbo’ as the flywheel is on the left side of
the engine and a likeness of Jumbo, the elephant on the valve cover
located on the front side of the engine. The engine appears to be a
16 HP and was also built in 10, 12, and 4 HP sizes. The
photographer did not have a panoramic camera, which were very
costly. He did the next best thing; he took one picture, swung the
camera around on its tripod and took the second picture to capture
the complete threshing scene. The threshing machine was hand fed
and you can see a bundle pitcher, bond cutter and feeder. There was
no sacking attachment on the thresher. The grain was caught in a
box and was hand sacked. This machine was equipped with a straw
blower, which eliminated the job of the straw stacker. The straw
pile is quite large when you consider human hands touched each
stalk of wheat as it was fed into the threshing machine.’
‘Photograph #5 is an Advance engine, which has fallen
through a wooden bridge. The engine would be of the early 1900s or
before as the rear wheels have straight cleats instead of the later
‘v’ cleats. The photo had the following information:
‘Breakthrough. Photo taken about 1900 in Chicasaw County, Iowa.
Steamer broke through a plank bridge.’ ‘
We are happy to have so many wonderful pictures and letters for
this issue. Keep them coming, as we are glad to publish them! Enjoy
yourselves at the spring auctions and steam ups now beginning, and
let us know your news!
Steamcerely Linda and Gail