President, EDGE&TA Inc., 3510 Brooklake Rd. N.E., Brooks,
Oregon 97303
It has been brought to the attention of the National Officers of
the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Inc., that
there are some clubs that are using the title ‘Early Day Gas
Engine & Tractor Association,’ the abbreviation
that the use of our title and logo is strictly prohibited unless
they are an affiliated branch. This name and logo were federally
registered in 1957 at the time of incorporation.
As to not getting involved in any costly litigation and possible
embarrassment, we would recommend that these clubs change their
names and logos, or become a branch of the EDGE&TA.
We have contacted our attorney and are ready to take any form of
legal action necessary to correct this matter.
If any of these involved clubs have any questions, please feel
free to contact us.