5203 Davison Avenue St. Louis 20, Missouri
I enjoy reading the IRON MEN ALBUM as it brings back old
memories, such as having an engine stuck in the mud or getting too
near a steep bank and having the foot cave out from under the
wheels and it slides into a ditch or the straw pile catches on
fire, and having to move fast on short notice.
At this time I am working at Montsana as a machinist where they
burn a car of coal every two hours in their boilers. They carry 675
pounds of pressure. For the past three weeks I have been repairing
a G. A. Turbine and generator of 1500 K. W. 3600 R. P. M. This is
the smaller of the two they have. This is interesting work,
however, I would still get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing a
traction engine work.
The little Avery return flue is built as follows: Boiler barrel
is ?’ thick, 24′ in diameter, 66′ long over all, has a
14′ fire flue, with 20 1? flues 52′ long, has a
3/8‘ flue heads, welded in, rear wheels
are 10′ by 42′, front wheels are 4 inches by 24 inches, has
the gearing from a 12×24 Hart Parr tractor, for bull gears, 1′
steam pipe to cylinder, with Stephenson Link valve gear, cylinder
is 3?’x7′ fly wheel is 20’x5′ has a road speed of
3? miles per hour, all boiler material new steel. We carry 150
pounds pressure, has Mocking Bird whistle and 3 tone chime whistle
with a Swiss cow bell on front tank, with a street car bell
formerly used on the old horse draws street cars, on cab. Has two
injectors, a U. S. ?’ and a 3/8 inch
metropolitan, one for low pressure and the other a high pressure.
Have a nice rubber tired carriage, to hook onto it that will permit
6 grown persons to ride, with seats back to back. So, Elmer if you
and Catherine get tired I will take you for a little buzz.