By Ivan Archer
Published on March 1, 1968
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A view of the 5'' x 5'' steam engine and the 5 KW A.C. Generator. The shop can be heated with the exhaust steam. Photo by Frank Pence.
A view of the 5'' x 5'' steam engine and the 5 KW A.C. Generator. The shop can be heated with the exhaust steam. Photo by Frank Pence.
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The10 Hp. Lattner Boiler. Photo by Frank Pence.
The10 Hp. Lattner Boiler. Photo by Frank Pence.
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The bell and headlight from a New York Central Locomotive. Note also - the old Bi-Polar Generator. Photo by George Laycock.
The bell and headlight from a New York Central Locomotive. Note also - the old Bi-Polar Generator. Photo by George Laycock.
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A view of the whistles. The one on the right is from a New York Central Locomotive. Photo by George Laycock.
A view of the whistles. The one on the right is from a New York Central Locomotive. Photo by George Laycock.
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The air pressure reducer for the popcorn and walking beam engines. Photo by George Laycock.
The air pressure reducer for the popcorn and walking beam engines. Photo by George Laycock.
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The 22 Hp. Keck-Gonnerman engine pulling the Huber Separator. Photo by Frank Pence.
The 22 Hp. Keck-Gonnerman engine pulling the Huber Separator. Photo by Frank Pence.
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A view of the south and west sides of the room showing various engines, pumps, motors and generators. Photo by George Laycock.
A view of the south and west sides of the room showing various engines, pumps, motors and generators. Photo by George Laycock.
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Clarence and the 3/4'' scale model 4-8-4 coal burning locomotive. Photo by Charles Laycock.
Clarence and the 3/4'' scale model 4-8-4 coal burning locomotive. Photo by Charles Laycock.

(The article ‘Steam at Stonelick’ is about the
collection of steam engines by my father-in-law, Mr. Clarence
Ragland. The man in the various pictures is Mr. Ragland.)

Driving east of Cincinnati, Ohio, along U.S. Route 50 you’ll
find nestled in the Little Miami River valley a small community
called ‘Stonelick’. Here Clarence Ragland operates a large

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