Steam Boilers and Stay Bolts

By John Fields
Published on May 1, 1973
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Here is shown how steam pressure tends to bulge boiler head.
Here is shown how steam pressure tends to bulge boiler head.
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Hollow stay bolt installed in water leg of boiler.
Hollow stay bolt installed in water leg of boiler.
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This drawing shows how a pressure is equal all around the circular surfaces and requires no bracing or staying.
This drawing shows how a pressure is equal all around the circular surfaces and requires no bracing or staying.

3196 Macarthur Road, Decatur, Illinois 62526.

Pressure within an approximately cylindrical vessel is to force
the shell into a truly cylindrical shape. Thus any steam boiler
surface under pressure and which is not cylindrical or
hemispherical in shape has forces on it which tend to cause the
surface to bend out in a curve. On the other hand a flat boiler

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