Steam Engine Bug Bites Nine Year Old

By John Slemko
Published on July 1, 1991
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On parade in Lacombe.
On parade in Lacombe.
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Threshing in Lacombe, Alberta, June 17 and 18, 1990.
Threshing in Lacombe, Alberta, June 17 and 18, 1990.
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Val Haleck, Firewoman, with the quarter scale Case.
Val Haleck, Firewoman, with the quarter scale Case.
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7712 Jasper Ave Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5H 3R8

In 1902 my parents, Jacob and Anna Slemko, homesteaded on land
located five miles east and one and a half miles north of Smoky
Lake, Alberta. I, John Slemko, was born and raised on this

In those days, threshing machines were very scarce. I remember

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