722 East End Ave., Lancaster, Pa. 17602.
As to who invented the first differential used by automobiles, I
am unable to state, however, as to the steam traction engine, the
use of which preceded the automobile, it appears that here in
Lancaster County we have two Pennsylvania Germans whose names
should appear with the early inventors.
In the automobile the differential is in the center of the rear
axle. In the steam engine it is in the one rear wheel and is termed
‘compensating gears’. The two men of this story worked on
this project in different parts of the county and it is doubtful if
either one knew of the other.
The first man we refer to is Eli Yost (1845-1904) who lived
north of New Holland, Pa. He was an early thresherman and operated
a cider mill which was powered by a 25 H.P. Springfield gasoline
Mr. Elias Beiler of Leola, Pa., is a local historian and
grandson of Reuben Z. Stoltzfus (1878-1962) who was a well-known
thresherman and stone quarry operator. In his career he owned six
different steam engines, and at one time had two threshing rigs on
the road during the season. He was the first thresherman in the
area to power his stationary baler from the shaft of the thresher
cylinder. Since here in the East most threshing was done in the
barn, this power arrangement became a necessity.
I cite the above to give credibility to the story he told his
grandson, Elias Beiler, who now tells the following concerning Eli
Yost. It appears that Eli Yost owned an early steam engine, which
we assume was a traction, but without any compensating gears.
(Perhaps only one rear wheel drove, with a chain.) Yost designed a
compensating mechanism which he wanted to have made to install on
his engine. Since in Lancaster the Best Engine and Foundry was
building stationary steam engines, Yost called there and showed his
plan to either Frank or Abe Landis, who were the top designers at
Best. He was turned down cold, but his mind was unchanged and he
apparently contacted someone in New York City. Eli Yost again
contacted the Landis’ and so insistent on having his
compensating design built, that he said if Landis would not make
it, he was prepared to take the next train for New York where he
could have it built. When Landis saw that Yost was stubbornly
serious, he agreed to build it. Eli Yost took it home and installed
it on his engine and we understand it worked. He never received any
money for what might have made him a wealthy man, and here the
story of Eli Yost ends.
Elias Beiler and the writer called on Stanley Moore, who is 81
years of age and a second generation blacksmith. He says he
remembers Eli Yost coming to his father’s blacksmith shop, and
we can assume that some work on this pioneer invention may have
been done at the blacksmith shop of Jacob Moore (the father of
Soon both Frank and Abe Landis left Lancaster and went
sixty-five miles over the mountains of Pennsylvania to Waynesboro,
where they developed and built the Peerless steam engine for Peter
Geiser (who had tired of selling Frick engines with his
As to whether the Landis’ used the Eli Yost design on the
Peerless steam engine we are unable to say, but we can certainly
surmise that it would have been possible. In any event, it would
appear that there could have been for improvement, since another
Pennsylvania German in the southern end of Lancaster County
perfected the idea and made a model, but it was never used.
Enos M. Hostetter (1862-1929) lived north of Quarryville, Pa.,
and he designed and perfected a differential, which he planned to
patent and sell to the Geiser Mfg. Company in Waynesboro, Pa.
However, Mr. Hostetter was never able to profit from his dream. It
so happened that he was a staunch member of the Old Order of River
Brethren Church (President Dwight Eisenhower’s ancestors were
members of this church) and when it became known that he had
perfected his model and was ready to patent it, the church fathers
being very conservative, frowned on the idea; and advised Brother
Hostetter to remain aloof from the new fangled industrial
revolution, even though it applied to agriculture, which was then
sweeping the country.
As an obedient member of his church, he set aside the model of
his steam engine differential and remained behind his plow, and
spent the rest of his days as a successful farmer on his farm at
New Providence, Pa.
The writer being familiar with this latter story, went to the
auction or sale of his son Roy Hostetter about twenty years ago.
The differential model was there, and when the auctioneer held it
up he said, ‘If you name it and a price, you can have it.’
No one could guess what it was. I purchased it very reasonably and
named it, after I had bought, to the surprise of everyone. It will
be on display in the museum of the Rough & Tumble Engineers
Historical Association, at Kinzer, Pa., and you all can see it at
the Old Thresherman’s Reunion next August.
The above stories are as true as the memories of those who lived
during the times stated, but we believe they are reasonably
accurate since they fit in with some former research.