2 Village Green, Apt. 202, Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
STEAM-ERA ‘Terrific Success’ estimated attendance at
over 35,000. Milton, Ontario, once again opened their fair grounds
for the Ontario Steam and Antique Preserver’s Association
STEAM-ERA 65, when around 35,000 streamed into the town over the
week-end to enjoy the sciences of yesteryear.
This was the largest show ever, and a success in every way, with
more people, equipment, and a real hey-day for the camera
There were 32 engines, all operative and almost restored to
original condition. They ranged in age from 1885 to 1920 and
included George White, John Goodison, Case, Sawyer-Massey, Americal
Abel, Norsworthy, Waterloo, Robert Bell, John Waterous and
Mac-Donald, plus a steam roller, steam shovel, and a steam operated
calliope that shrieked out tunes from a bevy of whistles. A large
saw mill was busy all through the show; threshing; large fans were
also set up on the grounds to test the strength of the ‘iron
monsters’, plus a teeter-totter.
There were 49 gas tractors; early gas engines, numbering 52 was
another big attraction; 30 antique cars and trucks, dating back to
1903, were also on display; Miscellaneous large equipment included
a drag-saw, corn box, six separators, pumps, saws, cutters,
democrat, sleigh, grain grinder, and two band organs. A blacksmith
shop was recreated, and a smithy was on duty showing visitors how
the shoes were made. P.L. Robertson Manufacturing entered an early
cut thread screw manufacturing machine that was operated throughout
the show. For the first time an old country ‘general store’
was built and housed a film bar and souvenirs.
One hall filled with agricultural antiques, was called ‘The
barn of Yesteryear’. Another exhibited models of equipment, and
in the third hall were smaller antique pieces and souvenirs.
A miniature railway set up with several model steam-fired
engines running around the 200 ft. track.
Besides the one big parade down town, two parades passed the
grandstand daily, and several groups of square dancers, Girls
bands, singers and dancers entertained the crowds that
Steam-Era directors Earl Davidson, Gordon Smith, Fred Thompson,
Sherwood Hume and President Allen Byers took the microphone to
describe the various tractors, engines & cars, as they passed
the grandstand. Other events were races and hand pumper fire reel
races between teams of steam engine operators with separators, car
races, and contests to see how fast a Model T Ford could be
assembled and operative.
The Johnson-Holt trophy for best restored engine was won by Hugh
Clark of Hagersville; Gordie Locke, Branchton, won the Hugh Clark
trophy for the best restored gas tractor; Bob Randell, Milton, won
the trophy for the best restored engine under three and a half
horsepower, with Wm. Sherk & Wm. Mitchell of Ayr, capturing the
trophy for larger engines, these trophies were donated by Alex
Edgar and Hector Kyle; Miss Holly Clark, 10 years old, received
Allan Byers ‘best lady driver’ trophy. A new award this
year was the David H. Rogers Memorial trophy given by his wife
Lorna, in memory of the late STEAM-ERA director of Stoney Creek,
who donated a lot of time to the organization. It is to be awarded
annually to the member contributing the most to the club, past
President Gordon Smith of Orillia, was its first winner.