Woodman, Wisconsin
I am a well pleased reader and subscriber of the ALBUM. When I
get it I sit down and read it through right off and then later on
will read it again. I started in the threshing business when quite
young and many a day I stood on the foot board and cut bands. I did
see a boy cut a feeder and if you had never heard profane language
One day we were moving a machine, a 10 hp. Star, they came to a
bridge which the engineer looked over and said ‘the bridge may
not carry the engine’. Not being used to engines I asked the
engineer ‘if the engine went through the bridge would it blow
up?’ He replied ‘they do not blow up easy’. Well it
went through the bridge as the stringers broke except one on the
outside and that tipped the engine over. I don’t know how long
it took to get it out as I went home. When I got older I took to
running a Peerless engine on a sawmill. Later I bought a 12 hp.
Star and a 28×50 Case, 20 bar cylinder separator. I operated a
steamer for around 50 years.
I sure had a good time this summer. I took in two reunions. I
was at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, for the full three days. Everyone was
jolly and very friendly. I met all the members of the reunion. Mr.
and Mrs. Bucher were very friendly and I also met Rev. Ritzman and
had a nice visit with him. There were a nice lot of engines and a
lot of models.
I also went, to Frederick, Wisconsin, to Gilmar Johnson’s S.
E. Day. There I was greeted as one of the family. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson are such nice people. I got to tend and run the 12 hp.
Advance engine which was pictured in the March-April 1953 issue of
the ALBUM, page 11. It sure is a dandy little engine. There was a
very nice crowd there to witness lumber being sawed, corn shredded,
grain threshed as well as plowing done with the 50 hp. Case
furnishing the power.
From there I went to Wrenshall, Minnesota, to visit with my
sons. Hope to see a picture of my threshing and shredder in the
ALBUM soon.