By Bruce Kelley
Published on March 1, 1964
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Courtesy of G. N. Gromer, 1566 So. Sherman St., Denver 10, Colo. 22hp Avery Under mounted owned by Mrs. Roy Kite of Bird City, Kansas, Sam Gauger of Stratton, Nebraska standing with this good looking engine.
Courtesy of G. N. Gromer, 1566 So. Sherman St., Denver 10, Colo. 22hp Avery Under mounted owned by Mrs. Roy Kite of Bird City, Kansas, Sam Gauger of Stratton, Nebraska standing with this good looking engine.
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Courtesy of Jacob P. D. Tiessen, R.R. 1. Abbots ford, B. C., Canada. One of my neighbor's pictures taken at Milden, Sask, on the Goose Lake Line in 1914.
Courtesy of Jacob P. D. Tiessen, R.R. 1. Abbots ford, B. C., Canada. One of my neighbor's pictures taken at Milden, Sask, on the Goose Lake Line in 1914.
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Courtesy of R. G. Pratt, 'Went lea', Capel St. Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk, England. A Single-Crank Compound Burrell Traction Engine threshing in Suffolk. The owner is Mr. White of Reydon, near Hadleigh, Suffolk. He is seen in this picture driving th
Courtesy of R. G. Pratt, 'Went lea', Capel St. Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk, England. A Single-Crank Compound Burrell Traction Engine threshing in Suffolk. The owner is Mr. White of Reydon, near Hadleigh, Suffolk. He is seen in this picture driving th
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Courtesy of Paul F. Crow, R.D. 1, Box 470, Charleroi, Pa. Horse-power baler of Cowan and Crow at the Canfield Fair, 1963.
Courtesy of Paul F. Crow, R.D. 1, Box 470, Charleroi, Pa. Horse-power baler of Cowan and Crow at the Canfield Fair, 1963.

Secretary, N.Y.S.E.A.

The Canandaigua Grange served old fashion thresher style meals
at noon and 5 P.M. each day. These meals really ‘hit the
spot’ to city and country folks alike. An unusual set up was
the clam bar operated by the Fairview Volunteer Firemen using the
return flue of Harry Schoff’s portable which was fired by Jim

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