DAVIS JUNCTION, IL.: The 1982 annual North Central Illinois
Steam Power Show held August 5, 6, 7 and 8, at Hedtke’s
Hickory-Oaks Farm, was a success even though showers of rain did
not permit field activities of plowing with steam power and horse
power. Nevertheless, a good sizable crowd turned out each day to
see other demonstrations and activities on the show grounds.
Six teams of horses and mules provided the power for
demonstra-Company. Other activities of wheat threshing, sawing logs
to lumber, Company. Other activities of wheat threshing, sawing
logs to lumber, and the baker fan, were powered by steam engines.
Straw baling, corn shelling, shingle milling, buzz-sawing, and
ensilage cutting, was powered by antique gas tractors.
The antique tractor pull Friday evening was attended by a large
crowd of spectators. Trophies and ribbons were awarded to the
winners by class. Plaques were given to all stationary gas engine
exhibitors, antique tractor owners and model owners. Numerous
exhibitors of gas engines, models and old gas tractors, attended
the 1982 show.
Numerous concession stands, and other sales stands, registered
early for a spot in the grove to provide food, beverage,
handicrafts souvenirs and flea market items for the general
public’s interest. Threshermen style meals were served daily in
the large metal building with seating for 300. Other sale stands,
displays, and demonstrations were also found in the big
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gray of Rockford, Illinois, were crowned
‘King and Queen’ of the steam and horse power threshing
show. They rode in the parades Saturday and Sunday dressed in their
royal finery. Their carriage of special length was built especially
for parades by Richard Hurlbert of Rockford, Illinois.
Pictured here are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gray of Rockford,
Illinois, the ‘King and Queen’ of North Central Illinois
Steam Power Threshing Show, Davis Junction, Illinois. The show was
held August 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1982 at Hedtke’s Hickory-Oaks
The reigning King and Queen are annual workers and caretakers at
Hedtke’s Hickory-Oaks Farm during the summer months.
The King was presented a boutonniere and the Queen received a
corsage and a bouquet of stalks of wheat-heads arranged neatly to
signify harvest time. The horse-drawn carriage owned by Richard
Hurlbert and the team of horses were driven in the parades by Mr.
Hurlbert. He was assisted by Robert Brown of Rockford, Illinois.
Both men were dressed in tuxedos and top hats.
As in past years the Ogle County liberty bell float lead the
parades, followed next by the King and Queen carriage. The 840
pound bronze bell was rung by Emil and Larry Svanda, proclaiming
freedom and liberty throughout the world. Also featured in the
parades were numerous horse-drawn wagons, machinery, antique
tractors, cars, steam engines, model tractors and model steam