Sec’y, 208 East Church Street, Urbana, Illinois
Members of The Miami Valley Steam Threshers Association held
their semi-annual meeting at the court house, Urbana, Ohio, Sunday
afternoon, October 28, 1962. Purpose of the meeting was to hear
auditing committee report, to elect officers for the coming year
and to select a place for the 1963 show.
Mr. Mark Francis, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, as chairman of the
auditing committee, commended the officers on the splendid
condition of their records and the organization on a very
successful exhibition last year.
Officers elected for the coming year were: President, Mr. George
Edinger, Urbana, Ohio; Vice Pres., Mr. Chester King, Springfield,
Ohio; Secretary, Mr. L. H. Little, Urbana, Ohio; Treasurer, Mr.
Ernest L. Wilkins, Cable, Ohio and Chaplain, Mr. Robert E. Price,
Logansport, Indiana. All board members were reappointed to serve
another term.
As to location for next year’s show, a preliminary ballot
showed that quite a number were in favor of holding same at the
Champaign Co. Fair Grounds, Urbana, Ohio. However, the final ballot
was for Goshen Memorial Park, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, where it has
been held for the past five years. Dates for the show will be July
26, 27 and 28, 1963.
Other items discussed at the meeting were additional
improvements at Goshen Park for the comfort of those attending the
show, also a promise to correct traffic and parking facilities,
which has been a problem due to the increasing popularity of steam
The president, Mr. Edinger, was commended for his effort toward
such successful shows in the past and pledged his support to those
present for a bigger and better show in ’63.