By Raymond E. Von Ruden
Published on November 1, 1982
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scale Case Steam Engine
scale Case Steam Engine
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Old timers watching the whistle blow.
Old timers watching the whistle blow.
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scale Case sawing wood at the Biesdorf farm.
scale Case sawing wood at the Biesdorf farm.
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scale Case belted to the saw rig.
scale Case belted to the saw rig.

Box 334 Owatonna, MN 55060

It all began way back one sunny August afternoon in 1920. My
boyhood buddy and I were playing together in our old hometown a
dozen miles from where I am writing this. Suddenly we heard a blast
of steam whistle from a farm at the edge of town signaling the
start of a threshing rig. I still remember the two of us running at

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