The Stump town Steam Threshers Association held their eleventh
annual show at their show grounds on Sept. 8th and 9th, 1973. The
grounds are located 1-? miles west of New Athens, Ohio.
As in the years past they had twelve steam engines on display
sending black smoke toward the heavens and an occasional spray of
soot over the spectators. Also on display were scale models of
threshing machines of different makes and a McCormick Grain
On both days the sawmill, Baker fans, shingle mill, threshing
machines, and straw baling could be seen. Corn meal grinding, on a
stone burr mill and buckwheat and whole wheat flour were also
ground each day. The last three items sold both days.
The threshing was done on a Russell Thresher with boss feeder.
All these things were run by Russell steam engines.
Saturday was a beautiful fall day. The flea markets, eating
stands, and concessions had umbrellas up to ward off the sun’s
rays. The highlight of Saturday afternoon was the crowning of Mrs.
Alice Saffell of Lafferty, Ohio as Queen of the 1973 show. Mr.
William Humph reveille of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio was presented the
Thresher man of the Year Award.
These two projects are sponsored by our ladies auxiliary. They
also had a flea market, rummage sale, bake sale, and bazaar. They
have a quilt raffle each year. At 4 o’clock each day there was
a parade of steam engines, tractors, binders, and antique
Saturday night the show grounds rang with fiddle tunes as the
Fiddler’s Contest got underway. This was under the direction of
Raymond Laizure.
Our church services were held Sunday morning by Reverand Marion
Rogers. While the good Reverand was lifting our spirits, the good
Lord was dampening the spirits of those who were out in the rain.
But that didn’t keep the people from coming to enjoy our show.
The flea markets and concessions still had their umbrellas up to
ward off the rain. Woodchoppers made chips fly Sunday during their
wood chopping demonstration. The rain quit before noon and people
still came.
Several committees work together to make our show enjoyable and
So if the good Lord is willing and the creek doesn’t rise we
hope to see all you smiling thresher men and women at our 1974 show
on September 7th and 8th.
Officers are: Charles Harrison of Scio, Ohio – President,
Raymond Laizure of Cadiz, Ohio – Vice-President, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Toole of Cadiz, Ohio – Secretary and Treasurer.