Hambley 593 Gertrude Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
We have just finished a very successful Threshermen’s
Reunion at the Manitoba Memorial Museum located at Austin,
Manitoba. Our celebration ran for the four days and our parade of
the great old steamers was particularly ‘ impressive. Our
people like to see such a great variety too of the gas tractors, of
In the threshing contest this year, the steam outfit was
declared the winner, but it was certainly an exciting contest with
upwards of 20,000 people crowding in to enjoy the rodeo events,
exciting chariot races, stooking contest, bag-tying and sheaf tying
contests. Many of the old timers like the setting-up contests also.
It is interesting to see how many people like to see the lumber
sawing and planning and shingle making run by the big steamers.
This year we had a record number of model steamers of many
kinds. Next year we plan to have a trophy given for the men who
like to make their own models. Just a few were Claire Angers of
Miami, Manitoba; James Robinson of Frobisher, Sask.; Alex Zelanko
from St. Catherines, Ontario and we also had the steam driven car
built by A. Thompson of Holland, Manitoba, and a number of others.
Next time we hope to have a good prize and a trophy for the best
steam model.