810 S. Judson, Port Scott, Kansas
Many of those associated with the Steam Engine or Pioneer Farm
Machine hobby have individual programs in which they vigorously
support education in Americanism. In no circumstances should
programs be neglected of this nature.
Education in the fundamentals of freedom how it is won, how
existence of a great democracy such as ours. We can perform no
greater service to our country than to aid in suggesting and
planning ideas that will cause people to understand and appreciate
their heritage of freedom and to know when it is threatened and
what measures to take to preserve it. Such an education will
develop responsible and dependable citizenship that is necessary to
our national security in the perilous times which we are now
living, as surely as the study of science and engineering. Our
democracy will survive only so long as we the people have the
intelligence the courage and determination to value Freedom,
Justice and Integrity more than anything else.
Our Steam Engines and Pioneer Farm Machinery displayed at our
various activities in which we participate, pictures on a wide
screen and in a sharp focus the progressive revolution in
agriculture methods, also our way of living. This progressive
change we can see, hear and feel as is evidenced when we compare
our machines with those of present day. These new revolutionized
machines give us many new benefits, the effective use of our
resources, more abundant living and more leisure time. All of this
and more is described in our shows and activities in an effort to
enlarge the knowledge and wisdom of our viewers when we show our
machines and power of the past. The mere possession of tools,
gadgets and machines is not enough, wisdom requires an
understanding of what the progressive march can do to people and
for people.
These are not just theories or statements but when put together
in the proper framework, this progress of which we are a part will
remind us of our obligation as fellow members of the human race,
indicating how much we should know and do in an age that gives much
and demands much.
Truly ours is a choice land. Grateful to the Almighty for our
many blessings and opportunities, let us be devoted to the
spiritual and moral principals upon which all lasting progress no
doubt must rest.
At this time I know of no easier method of developing these
principals in Americanism than to pause, refresh the soul, attend
some of the many steam engine shows, reunions, gatherings and
festivities that are held throughout this great country of ours. By
attending and taking part in some manner we will be doing our
individual parts in promoting the American Way of Life. The Pioneer
Harvest Fiesta will be held at the Burbon County Fair Grounds in
the city of Port Scott, Kansas, October 13, 14 and 15, 1961.