Route 2, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330
Last summer we had our sixth annual show on August 15,16 and 17
at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
Harrodsburg is just about the geographical center of the state, 30
miles southwest of Lexington, in the burley tobacco and dairying
area. We had more exhibits than ever, and splendid attendance, with
Few shows have better gas engines, steam traction engines,
threshing machines, old farm equipment and wooden wheel farm
We were organized in 1969 through the efforts of Carl Secchi,
our first president.
We have the best of facilities for a show, including plenty of
room for exhibits and parking, good lights, toilets and
vandal-proof fence.
You will find our friendly town by way of U.S. 68 and U.S.
Each day we do threshing. We use the Baker Fan. In the evening
we have the Kentucky Grand Champion Horse Pulling Contest. The
women enjoy the flea market.
Our president, Frank Cornish, a real steam engine fan, owns an
Aultman & Taylor 20 HP engine. He is the Mercer County road
supervisor. Around the turn of the century his dad and uncle
operated two Reeves outfits and threshed in Kansas. Most of the
popular makes were used in this area. My favorite engines were the
double cylinder rear mounts.
Please look for our show dates in future issues of Iron-Men.
Come and enjoy a few real vacation days with us.
Good roads lead to Harrodsburg, Kentucky.