WALTER R. ARNDT, 82, Noel, Missouri died September 8, 1975 at
home. He suffered a heart attack. Mr. Arndt was a dealer salesman,
dealer, distributor, factory sales representative, General Service
Manager, and member of the Board of Directors of Wood Brothers
Thresher Company. He wrote many repair parts books, also many
articles relative to steam engines, threshers, boiler inspection,
He also was an instructor and text material writer for the new
Kansas City School of watchmaking. He and his wife moved to Noel
and in 1949 purchased a jewelry store and watch repair shop which
they operated until 1971.
He wrote in long hand, and bound in twelve books, all the
exterior and interior section corner markers, in McDonald County,
which were microfilmed by the Rolla School of Mines and placed in
the Missouri State repository for safe keeping. Submitted by Arndt
Industries, Noel, Missouri 64854 [Walter wrote out his own obituary
and left word to send us a copy – it has been edited!]
FORREST J. (SHORTY) CARPENTER, Route 1, Guys Mills, Pennsylvania
16327 – age 18 passed away September 29, 1975 as a result of an
auto accident. His grandfather and father helped to start the
Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Society of N. W. Pa. near Meadville,
eight years ago. He attended shows at Burgettstown, Pa. and Ohio,
since a small boy and used to drive a W-12 in the parades at
Meadville at the show at Crawford County Fair Grounds. His father,
L. Clare passed away at age 46 in 1973. His grandfather, Parley G.,
age 79 is still active in the Society. Submitted by his mother, Ann
Carpenter, Route 1, Guys Mills, Pennsylvania 16327.
MENZIE KEMMERLING, 74, New Harmony, Indiana, died August 2,
1975. He was one of the four organizers of the Boonville Antique
Steam & Gas Engine Club. He was a charter member who was very
active in promotion of the show for the past 12 years. He belonged
to American Thresher-man Assn. (charter member) and a member of
Tennessee-Kentucky Thresherman’s Assn. He ran a sawmill most of
his life and owned a Keck-Gonnerman engine, tractors and a hot air
engine. He always took care of the Memorial Services at the shows.
Words cannot express the great dedication and devotion Menzie gave
to our club. He inspired both the older and younger members.
Submitted by Harold R. Hart, President, Antique Steam & Gas
Engine Club, Boonville, Indiana 47601.
EARL YOUNT, Martinsville, Indiana died last August. In failing
health the past year, he was unable to attend the show at Rushville
this year. He was a lifetime member of the Pioneer Engineers Club
of Indiana. For many years Mr. Yount helped President Ray Jones
take care of the 16 h.p. Peerless. He was a faithful member and a
hard worker. He will be sorely missed by all the members of our
club. Submitted by Jerry Moorman, Secretary, Pioneer Engineers Club
of Indiana, R. 6, Box 159, Greens-burg, Ind. 47240.
B. L. WEAVER, 73, passed away September 28, 1975 at the hospital
in Franklin, Indiana. Mr. Weaver was a charter member of the
Pioneer Engineers Club of Indiana. He was faithful member and
worked hard for his club. For many years he exhibited his double
cylinder 22 h.p. Keck-Gonnerman at Rushville.
A true friend, he will be missed by all of his fellow members.
Submitted by Jerry Moorman, secretary, Pioneer Engineers Club of
Indiana; R. 6, Box 159, Greens-burg, Ind. 47240.
HAROLD BALL, 63, a resident of Deputy, Indiana passed away in
his home on October 16, 1975. He was a long time member of the
Pioneer Engineers Club and showed his cross motor Huber tractor
each year at the Rushville show. He also owned a 60 h.p. Case that
he was hoping to restore some day. He will be sadly missed by all.
Submitted by Jerry Moorman, Secretary, Pioneer Engineers Club of
Indiana, R. 7, Box 159, Greens-burg, Ind. 47240.
LeROY W. BLAKER, 86, Founder and Past President of the National
Threshers Association, passed away August 19, 1975. He was the man
responsible for one of the more popular and nostalgic annual events
held at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, four days of the last
weekend in June at Wauseon, Ohio. This event continues to draw
hundreds of participants with dozen of machines and old time power
demonstrations, and is attended by thousands of spectators from all
over the United States.
Cedar Point Amusement Land purchased his favorite engine, a 24
HP Port Huron, and Mr. Layton, Manager, Arts Services and
Restoration, writes they plan to have this engine in operation with
a sawmill on their Frontier Trail the season of 1976. Cedar Point
has prepared a display case in their Town Hall Museum to display
literature, catalogs, etc., related to the Port Huron Thresher and
Implement Company. In this display Cedar Point has credited Mr.
Blaker with his contributions of literature and made mention of his
part in organizing the first thresh-ermen’s reunion at
In 1969, Mr. Blaker retired as President of the National
Threshers Assn., after serving 25 years as the president. He was a
farmer who specialized in threshing with his beloved cumbersome
steam engines – he also sawed lumber commercially. After his
retirement as president of the NTA, he turned to writing articles
for newspapers and magazines and renewed his earlier interest in
FRANK WARMBRODT, 68, of Route 1, Wooldridge, Missouri died
September 16, 1975 after an extended illness. Frank was an active
steam engine fan. He took an active part in the Missouri Valley
Steam Engine Assn. He looked forward to his Iron-Men Album
Magazine. He lieved in Cooper County his entire lifetime, where he
farmed. Submitted by his wife, Mrs. Blanche L. Warmbrodt,
Wooldridge, Missouri 65287
MAY CHANDLER, 86 of 658 W. Armstrong St., Frankfort, Indiana
died recently at the Frankfort Nursing Home. Submitted in loving
memory by James W. Chandler, 54 Taylor Street, Frankfort,
FRED EGGLESTON of Reno, Nevada died May 31, 1975 (this was May
Chandler’s brother). He was formerly of Roundup, Montana. He
was reported to have purchased new the ‘last 40 HP Reeves’
plowing engine. This was No. 8,000 in the fall of 1918. Submitted
by James W. Chandler, 54 Taylor Street, Frankfort, Indiana