FRANK EBERSDOFFER-Formerly from Parkston, South Dakota, age 69,
passed away in Sioux City, Iowa hospital where he had been for
treatment. Mr. Ebersdoffer, a farmer, back in steam engine era
operated steam threshing outfits. He also was a machinist, welder
and had a well-equipped shop at his home. Died March 20, 1972
Submitted by Jack Kadinger, Box 202, Hartford, South Dakota
ALVIN H. FASNACHT died Monday, March 27 while working in his
garden. He had been a farmer, thresher and sawyer all his life. He
was 81. He had been one of the many good customers of the old
Russell and Co. of Massillon, Ohio and surely did love the Russell
steam engine.
Submitted by his son, A. Dale Fasnacht, 1140 Jackson Ave. N. W.,
Massillon, Ohio 44646.
WILLIAM RAISCH, 87, owner of Hamilton County’s only
operating sawmill, died March 5, 1972. He had operated his
steam-powered sawmill on Day rod for 53 years. Throughout his life
he was a trapper, a great lover of nature, both animals and plants,
a thresher and farmer. He has used his steam-engined machines over
extensive areas of Hamilton and Butler counties and in southern
Indiana. His family continues this practice.
Submitted by Richard Carmell, 6510 Arborarest, Loveland, Ohio