LAVERNE M. OTT passed away March 9, 1985. He was born April 9,
Laverne was self-employed in the excavating business. He owned
and operated several steam engines and was an outstanding member of
the Michigan Steam Engine and Threshers Club.
He devoted his spare time to restoring his steam engines and
had time to help his friends do whatever was needed.
He was a very good man and will be greatly missed by us all.
Submitted by Todd Luks, 607 W. Dansville Rd., Mason,
Michigan 48854.
HOWARD M. DUNN, 86, Mt. Orab, Ohio, died April 7, 1985 after a
brief illness. In his early teens, he learned to operate steam
engines and threshing machines and would travel with his father
from one farm to another at harvesting time.
He built and owned one of the first automobiles in the area; it
was one of only six in the state. He and his father had the first
electric generator in Mt. Orab in their saw-mill. He also learned
the carpenter trade at an early age and until the age of 75, was
active in that profession. He could point proudly to many homes and
businesses that he had constructed.
He was the proud owner of his ninth steam engine (a 1923 Case,
65 HP) which he operated and enjoyed until the time of his death.
He was a charter and life-time member of the Ohio Valley Antique
Machinery Show at Georgetown, Ohio (14 years).
He will be greatly missed by his family and many steam
Submitted by the Howard Dunn family, Mt. Orab, Ohio