WILLIAM GERHARD CLAUSON, 68, of rural Spring Grove, Minnesota
died October 10, 1971. Gerhard was a great steam engine enthusiast,
attending many of the steam shows in this area. He operated his
engines annually at the Mabel-Hesper Minnesota Steam Engine Days,
which was first held on his farm approximately fifteen years ago.
Gerhard is sadly missed by his relatives and many friends.
Submitted by his brother-in-law, Kenneth A. Boots, Rt. 1,
Wagasha, Minnesota.
JOHN A. HINKLE passed away December 5, 1971 at his home in R. D.
2, East Berlin, Pennsylvania. He enjoyed the Iron-Men Album very
Sent in by his wife, Mrs. Alice M. Hinkle.
J. MILTON NOLLER, 79, of 5522 W. Verde Lane, Phoenix, Arizona
passed away November 14, 1971 in a hospital in Phoenix.
Mr. Noller was a native of Red Lion, Pennsylvania. About ten
years ago he and Mrs. Noller moved to Phoenix. In the interim, he
made several trips east when the shows were on in Pennsylvania and
He was a member of the Early American Steam Engine Society of
Pennsylvania and was a gas engine enthusiast, having restored
He is survived by his wife, Louise and two sons, Clair of
Alabama and Paul of Phoenix.
He will be missed by all who knew him.
Sent in by Mrs. E. W. Schaefer, 263 W. George St., Yoe, Pa.