HOMER F. HOLP, of Arlington, Ohio died September 18, 1975. He
lived his entire life in the area, having been a superintendent of
the Parish and Arlington cemetery for 32 years and a custom
thresherman in the area since 1919. He was a trustee of the
National Threshers Association since its founding and a Vice
President of the Darke County Threshers Association. He was a
Homer purchased his first engine, a 16 HP Gaar Scott in 1919.
This engine was used until the early 20’s when it was replaced
by a 16 HP Advance. This later engine is still in the family and is
owned by his grandson, Scott. Later an 18 HP Advance Rumely
replaced the 16 Advance and was used thru his last run in 1955. The
work consisted mainly of threshing, shredding, hulling and tobacco
bed steaming. Homer owned and repaired many engines, but the three
engines mentioned above were his stand-bys. His favorite threshing
outfit was a 16 HP Advance engine and a 32′ Case separator.
In later years, Homer restored a number of engines and other
threshing equipment, among which was the Case hand fed agitator
separator that the late Rev. Elmer Ritzman worked his way through
theological seminary with. All these jobs were immaculate! He found
time to weave threads of perfection into a busy life. Many a
traveler on Route 40, the writer included, has stopped at Holps
Steam Engine Haven for a refreshing visit with Homer. These visits
are now cherished memories of a man whose tread was light, but
whose tracks were great.
As the body was being interred, Sam Myers, some half mile
distance from the cemetery, signaled the end of a working day on
the whistle of his Keck-Gonnerman engine. The sound of that whistle
seemed to depict the life of a man who lived and loved steam.
Submitted by Lyle Hoffmaster, 1845 Marion Road, Bucyrus, Ohio
LLOYD YOUNG, 55, of Sugar Bush, Wisconsin, died December 5,
1975, at his home. He was a charter member of the Union
Threshermen’s Club of Symco, Wisconsin. He was one of the
founders and a very hard worker of the Symco Show. He could be seen
at many shows and events in Wisconsin with one or more of his many
prized tractors. Lloyd will be missed by all.
Submitted in loving memory by Union Threshermen’s Club,
Route 1, Manawa, Wisconsin 54949
REUBEN LOOS, 72, of Route 3, Pinckneyville, Illinois, died
December 5, 1975 at the Community Hospital. He had been in failing
health for some time. He was a retired farmer and a member of the
American Threshermen’s Association.
Submitted by John W. Ritter, 704 Penina Street, Pinckneyville,
Illinois 62274.
WALTER McQUISTON, 92, died September 29, 1975 at Ellwood City,
Pennsylvania. He was the Dean of Steam Threshermen in the area and
never tired of telling stories of adventures with ‘The Old
Peerless’. He owned 12 or 13 engines over 30 years before going
over to gas, and Peerless was his choice. He said that all the fun
went out of threshing with the end of steam power. He attended most
of the shows of the Northwestern Pa. Steam Engine and the Old
Equipment Assn. of Portersville, Pa. being able to get around till
felled by a stroke the day before he died
Submitted by Tom Downing, R.D. 1, Box 181, Ellwood City, Pa.
EARL F. ANDERSON of Friendship, Wisconsin died November 18,
1975. Earl’s base of operations was Anderson’s Garage and
Machine Shop in Friendship, but he was known far and wide, as a
collector and restorer of antique machinery and artifacts. While
their health permitted, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson loved to attend
States Shows and Threshing Bees, where they met and made many
friends. Earl had a knack for making machinery work, but even more,
he had a special way with people. He will be greatly missed.
Submitted by Wesley W. Rankin, W260 N8213 Hwy. J. Hartland,
Wisconsin 53029.
FRANCIS M. BELL, 72, of Parkville, Missouri, died May 22, 1975.
Mr. Bell started the Platte City Steam Show. He also was Assesor of
Platte County.
Submitted by H.H. Beanland, North Kansas City, Missouri
JOHN W. AMEN, Wilcox, Nebraska, died September 4, 1975, at the
age of 62. He was an active promoter of the Stratman Steam Show at
Wilcox, having served as vice president for several years.
John farmed near Wilcox, but most of his free time was spent
pursuing his two favorite Hobbies gas engines and antique hunting.
Over the years he had collected engines that he treasured. He and
his wife, Lucy, attended steam shows covering a wide area.
His untimely death resulted from an illness of only six days.
Family and friends will miss his entlewit and quiet manner.
submitted by Mrs. Robert Ellis aster), 809 West 15th, Lexington,
Mebraska 68850.