Amos F. Brandt, 78, of Bainbridge, R. D. 1, Pennsylvania, died
February 5, 1971, at his home. He was a member of the First Church
of God, Elizabeth town, Pa. He was head of A. F. Brandt Sons, Hides
and Tallow and also operated a threshing business for over forty
He was a member of all the steam engine associations in the
his wife, Mrs. A. F. Brandt, Bainbridge, Pa.
Lloyd C. (Curley) McAfee passed away September 25, 1970, at the
age of 76. He was a retired farmer and old steam thresherman of the
Atlantic, Iowa, area. Mr. McAfee attended many shows in the Iowa
and South Dakota area. Sent in by R. D. McLaren, Manilla, Iowa.
Thomas S. Scego of Owensville, Missouri passed away on January
2, 1971, at the age of 86 years and 18 days. He is survived by four
brothers. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church and
the Holy Name Society. Mr. Scego was a thresherman and sawmill
operator most of his life. He was a member of Owensville Threshers
Association. Sent in by Ewin C. Schneider, Owensville,
Joseph T. Rynda, Steam Engine Joe, 79, died Wednesday, February
17, 1971. Burial was at Montgomery, Minnesota, where he lived for
many years. He was the owner of the largest collection of steam
traction engines owned by an individual. Steam Engine Joe was the
organizer of the Original National Steam Threshing Bee and on
October 12, 1941, the first show was held. The organization held a
show every year until October 1970. Being a pioneer in the
accumulation of steam engines of all kinds, he liked to work with
older models, thus adding to the historical effect so well
portrayed by the Montgomery Threshing Bee. Sent in by John Hays,
St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. Orville Joseph Borton of North Lawrence, Ohio, passed away
on February 13, 1971, at the age of 74 years.
He leaves 7 sons, 5 daughters, 34 grandchildren and 3 great
Mr. Borton was a licensed steam engineer but had been retired
for the past 9 years. He attended several steam shows each year and
was a reader of the Iron Men AlbumMagazine.
He is sadly missed by family and friends. Sent in by his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Sidel, North
Lawrence, Ohio.
Maurice F. Clouse, aged 72, died October 26, 1970. He was for a
long time one of the prominent engineers of the William’s Grove
and Rough and Tumble Historical Associations. He was a promoter of
the origin of the Morrison’s Cove Pioneer Power Reunion,
planning and backing up all projects. As a young man he spent some
harvest seasons as a thresherman. For half a century he operated a
woolen mill, knowing and operating all machines, and with his
passing this work is stilled for the want of another of his
ability. Mr. Clouse preserved much of the past being a great
collector of antiques spinning wheels of which both he and his wife
could operate.
He was a civic minded man, promoter and instigator of many
projects. He is survived by his wife, Hannah, two daughters, Joyce
and Carol, six grandchildren, and a brother and sister. He was of
the Lutheran faith. Sent in by his wife Hannah, Woodbury, Pa.