By Joe Fahnestock
Published on November 1, 1970
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Elmer Egbert's passing last December is mourned. Iron-Man of the Month, he always did the unusual things at a reunion, like making shingles. The Miami Valley Steam Threshers started on his farm, later The Buckeye Threshers. Here he is shown oiling his 12
Elmer Egbert's passing last December is mourned. Iron-Man of the Month, he always did the unusual things at a reunion, like making shingles. The Miami Valley Steam Threshers started on his farm, later The Buckeye Threshers. Here he is shown oiling his 12
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Leonard Lambert of near Richmond, Indiana, will be missed at the future reunions. He always ran his Baker Engine. Shown here sitting on the farm wagon (right) watching the old Aultman-Taylor tractor thresh at Elmer Egbert's Buckeye Threshers. Courtesy of
Leonard Lambert of near Richmond, Indiana, will be missed at the future reunions. He always ran his Baker Engine. Shown here sitting on the farm wagon (right) watching the old Aultman-Taylor tractor thresh at Elmer Egbert's Buckeye Threshers. Courtesy of
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Roselle Raisch was always a prominent engineer at reunions. Shown here with hand on throttle of his Case Engine at The Logan Farm, Mansfield, Ohio. He used to climb the big hill at N.T.A., Wauseon, Ohio. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 473
Roselle Raisch was always a prominent engineer at reunions. Shown here with hand on throttle of his Case Engine at The Logan Farm, Mansfield, Ohio. He used to climb the big hill at N.T.A., Wauseon, Ohio. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 473

There are those whose passing leaves its void, that everything
remaining seems so different. I’ll never forget the first time
I walked uptown after my father died. It didn’t seem like the
same home town. There were the familiar street corners, the barber
shop, post office, village depot, but something was missing a
personality. Dad was gone!

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