ELMER L. WRIGHT, Salem Indiana passed away suddenly from a heart
attack August 20, 1973. He was 64 years old, a lifelong mechanic
and a lover of old steam engines. He attended all the reunions his
health would permit and was a subscriber to I.M.A. for many
Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne Wright, Route 4, Salem, Indiana
CLARENCE R. CLOUGH, age 83, was found dead in his home in
Donnellson, Illinois on April 12, 1973. He had lived alone since
the death of his wife in 1966. Clarence had built a very nice free
lance model traction engine that he displayed, and at times steamed
and ran for his many friends. He had been a subscriber to the
Iron-Men Album for many years. After World War I, he worked at the
Minneapolis Branch House in Lincoln, Nebraska, then started his own
machine shop and built some sawmills in Donnellson. He could tell
some very interesting experiences about repairing used engines,
that were taken in on trades. All who knew him will miss a kind and
true friend.
Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne Wright,R.R. 3, Box 189, Edwardsville,
Illinois 62025