EMIL LOUIS BADENHOOP died June 29, 1981. After he retired he
enjoyed the hobby of attending steam engine shows. I have known
Emil as long as I can remember. He sold gas and oil to my dad for
many years and later to me when we threshed and did farm work. He
was a close and dear friend. He took his model Case engine to many
shows and made many friends. For the last five years we went to
Submitted by John L. Brien, Athol, Kansas 66932.
PETER BUCHER, 93, Fairfield, Iowa, died July 25,1981 after a
short illness. He was a thresherman back in the days when the steam
engine was the major source of energy and traveled from farm to
farm harvesting grain. In later years he was very active in Old
Threshers at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and was featured for his ability to
balance a steam engine on a large teeter board. He served as
director of the National Threshers Association in Ohio. Many years
he took part in the Antique Engine and Threshers Show in Wichita,
Kansas. He traveled to many shows throughout the United States. He
was a Mason, Kaaba Temple, and 32nd degree Mason. These
affiliations were very dear to his heart.
Submitted by Dorothy Robinson, 500 W. Merrill Avenue,
Fairfield, Iowa 52556.
C. J. (CHARLIE) BUTLER, Baxter, Iowa, passed away December 25,
1980 at the age of 86.
He had been a thresherman and sawmill operator all his life,
starting at age 9 on his father’s farm. He owned and operated
several different makes of engines. I believe his preference was
Case. He always attended the Midwest Threshers Show at Mt. Pleasant
spending a lot of his time at the Trading Post. He had restored
several engines, also repairing engine components. He will be sadly
Submitted by Lee Sutton, Mingo, Iowa 50168.
FRANK GRONAU died at his home in Whitewater, Kansas after a long
illness during which time he had been laid low by a stroke. Frank
was the last of the real Iron Men in our state. He had forgotten
more about tractors and engines than most so-called experts know.
He ran the Twin City and M & M farm implement business along
with the Chevelet agency for 50 years in Whitewater. He was a most
generous man with both labor and parts and he will be greatly
missed. May he rest in peace.
Submitted by John R. Younkman, North Newton, Kansas
RALPH ISSAC FISHER, 81, of Assumption, Illinois died August 5,
1981. He was owner and operator of Ralph Fisher Welding Shop. He
was a member of the Pontiac Steam Engine Association. He will be
greatly missed.
Submitted by Lorna Fisher, 107 S. Poplar, Assumption,
Illinois 62510.