LLOYD S. CROYLE passed away May 26 at the age of 84. He was
thresherman and sawmiller from the age of 14 when he started to
help his grandfather. He also worked in the grist mill. For some
years he had his own rig and sawmill. In 1938 he sold his rig and
mill and sawed lumber for the Boswell Lumber Company for 30 years.
He retired at 71.
For 20 years he was a member and helper at the New Centerville
Farmer’s and Thresherman’s Jubilee.
He will be sadly missed by family and friends.
Submitted by his wife, Emma Croyle.
LEONARD HAUGEN passed away recently. The Haugen Family operated
a 30 horse Avery threshing machine outfit for many years in
Minnesota and North Dakota. Leonard became the engineer and older
brother separator man. We did custom threshing for many years. We
operated until the small gas outfits began to cut in on our long
threshing runs and it was not profitable to operate any more.
The machine and engine stood idle for many years and was
destroyed during the war and sold for junk. This was poor judgment
as the 30 horse Avery was in No. 1 condition.
Leonard will be missed by many.
Submitted by E. J. Haugen, Minneapolis, Minnesota