EARL L. TROUT of Douds, Iowa died May 24, 1971. He was born in
1899. He leaves his widow, three sons and two daughters and 23
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a long time steam
sawmill operator and attended many of the steam shows.
Submitted by Wm. A. Safer, Pres. Midwest Old Threshers.
LLOYD I. BIRCKELBAW passed away recently. He was born in 1892
from the University of Michigan School of Engineering in 1914 and
served in World War 1. He was an original and active member of the
Early Engine Club at the Henry Ford Museum and will be missed by
all of us.
Submitted by Thomas R. Stockton, Box 2053, Dearborn, Michigan
DIEDRICH L. DALKE, 89, of 14 Auburn Ct., Alexandria, Virginia
died March 11 of a heart attack at the Masonic Temple in
Alexandria. Born in a sod house on the prairies of Nebraska in
1882, and required to leave school at the age of 12 to work on the
family farm, he returned to high school at the age of 21 and
pursued an academic career, earning a Master’s degree from the
University of Kansas in 1911. He was superintendent of schools in
the middle west from 1912-21, dean of Missouri Wesleyan College,
Cameron, Mo. from 1921-31, head of German department of Baker
University from 1931-33 and director of educational services in the
Civilian Conservation Corps from 1935-41. He then served with the
Department of Agriculture in Washington, after which he taught in
Swanson Junior High School.
He was a member of DelRay Methodist Church, a charter member of
Pioneers of the Cherokee Strip, Enid, Oklahoma, a life member of
Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge and of many other professional
He leaves his wife, Anna Belle, two daughters and two
WARNER LAIRD passed away December 1, 1970. He was a retired
railroad worker. His age was 65.
Submitted by his friend, Herman Stockmaster, Route 2, Bellevue,
LLOYD B. HAYES, age 79 of 128 S. Main St., Batavia, New York
died June 8, 1971. He was stationary engineer at two of the
Implement Manufacturing Companies here. He was a member of the New
York Steam Engine Ass’n.
CLARENCE BROWN, 88, of Hamilton, Indiana died in April, 1971. He
was an old-time thresherman in and around Hamilton. He attended the
steam shows at Montpelier and Wauseon, Ohio. Also the Old Time
Thresher’s show north of Ft. Wayne, Ind. and he ran big Jim
Whitbey’s engines at the shows.
Sent in by Emery Vestal, Rt. 1, Waterloo, Indiana 46793.
LLOYD ERICKSON: I respectfully move that the following
resolution be adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors
of the Northern Illinois Steam Power Club (The Sycamore Show) and
be included in the records of the corporation:
BE IT, AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: that in the memory of our
good, faithful and loyal friend Lloyd Erickson, we pause for a
moment of prayer and consideration in respect and thanks for his
untiring effort in behalf of our organization; the many services he
performed for us, the miles and miles he traveled, and the tons and
tons of equipment that he hauled for our shows . . . always with
good nature and a smile. He traveled many miles to attend the many
director meetings and his cooperative attitude, that was always
constructive, reflected a wonderful personality and a great heart.
To all of the members of our club it was a pleasure to know him and
work with him, and we will all miss him. He has been a helpful and
dominant influence in the guidance of our club and its activities
and our gratitude can hardly be expressed in words.
Lloyd was a true friend and a hard worker … a great credit to
our organization. Our sympathy and our prayers are a sincere
offering to his family. His memory will long be a pleasant one in
our thoughts despite the sorrow that he can no longer join us in
the fellowship of our club.
(adopted by a unanimous vote at the regular meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Northern Illinois Steam Power Club on February
20, 1971, and included in the permanent records.)