RALPH WOODMANSEE, 75, of Battle Creek, Michigan, passed away at
his home on May 2, 1986.
For those who knew him he will be greatly missed. Ralph was a
steam engine man from the first school. His knowledge of steam was
unlimited. His ability to repair or operate an engine was second to
Ralph was a good friend and an active member of the Michigan
Steam Engine and Threshers Club from its very beginnings.
Ralph threshed and sawed lumber most of his life and did it
mostly with steam. He could make a sawmill saw lumber just about as
fast as a good crew could carry it away. Ralph had a great sense of
humor and was not above playing a few tricks on people when he got
the chance, however, he could take as good as he gave.
I and many others who knew him spent many hours listening to his
stories and experiences, on how to set the valve on an engine or
how to fix a seperator so it would thresh better. Also who had the
best ball team as he loved to watch baseball games.
Ralph is gone, but to those who knew him he will never be
Submitted by John Schrock, Sec. of Michigan Steam Engine and
Threshers Club, Mason, Michigan.
RAYMOND E. (BANJO) DYE passed away May 2, 1985 in Peru, Indiana.
Services were held May 4, 1985.
Ray was involved in farming and running steam engines. He also
shredded corn, filled silos, threshed and ran saw mills all his
life. He was head sawyer at the Pontiac, Illinois shows for several
years. Ray was always interested in steam engines and saw
Submitted by Herman Pickens, R.R. 7 Box 120,Logansport,
Indiana 46947
ORVILLE HENDRICH passed away January 26, 1986 at Floyd County
Memorial Hospital in New Albany, Indiana. He was 73. He was a
retired mechanic and a member of Central Barren United Methodist
Church and Blue River Masonic Lodge 457 in Fredericksburg. He was a
charter member of Palmyra Volunteer Fire Dept. and a member of
Antique Steam and Gas Engine Club in Boonville, Lanesville and
Orville will be sadly missed by his many friends.
Submitted by Ira Simler, R.R. 3, Salem, Indiana
Donald W. Bostdorf, 84, passed away on April 7, 1986 at the
Community Nursing Home at Bowling Green, Ohio.
He was a farmer at Perrysburg, Ohio and in his early days helped
with a steam threshing outfit.
Donald and his brother owned a saw mill at Perrysburg, Ohio. He
was interested in gas and steam engines and attended the Steam
Threshers Shows at Wauseon, Ohio for many years
Submitted by Harold C. Bostdorf, 109 Sugar St., Box 234,
Haskins, Ohio 43525.