Country Echoes
MAE BABER, R.D.2, Brandon, Wisconsin
Winter will soon be here again and with it seems to come the
urge for many of the ladies to settle down at their sewing
machines. I can’t say mine is easy to settle down to though. If
ever there is an antique it is my sewing machine. Back in 1933 when
life I found myself in need of one of them-there gadgets. Now that
I had finally collared the fellow and we had a home of our own it
must have a sewing machine.
Our bedroom equipment had come with us (we were both the last of
our resident tribes the two youngest brats) and we were helped out
with the furniture – amid tears yes. After happily spending what we
could afford on some new furniture we found ourselves with twenty
dollars we could spare. An old Singer we spied. Happily we toted it
home. Oh! The pieces it has sewed for us and our six lively
offspring is quite amazing! How they grew, and we did too only
Last winter as the din and the clatter diminished I decided
again to make my beloved some pajamas a custom I had neglected in
the years of too many mouths to feed. I had my original pattern and
my original man, but somewhere in between he had gathered thirty
pounds. ‘Twant in the height’, says I as I lay my pattern
on blue plaid flannel, six foot three, two hundred and forty
pounds, how much do I pull over my pattern? I gave a gentle tug and
another gentle tug until I concluded they would encompass him
easily. I sewed up the seams, held them up for inspection and here
I collapsed, helpless with laughter into the nearest chair. Surely,
THIS was for the Tent and Awning Company. I hemmed the bottoms, put
elastic in the waistband and hoped that this would modify their
size at least a little. But I shall let you in on a secret. Family
tension can always be relieved when Father walks out in his
pajamas. The children went into stitches at first, however, the
dryer has shrunk them a little and we have grown accustomed to the
looks of them, but so help me, when I sew this winter I shall go
easy on the tugs or buy a new pattern. He admits, grudgingly, that
they are very comfortable.
In the meantime, where is that man? The belt on my sewing
machine needs a piece taken out of it worse than his steam engine
needs an overhauling. ‘And bring the oil can, dear, in
comparison to my sewing machine your steam engine is an