7197 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, Indiana 46410
The sixth annual show was held on July 11, 12 and 13 at the
Paris Fairgrounds in Paris, Missouri.
We have attended many shows of this general type, but never
before one which had such total community involvement and
An air of sadness was evident among the members and others who
participated in this show. Mr. Lawrence Hempstead, a most-liked
person had passed away on December 2, 1974, while awaiting a plane
which was to take him and a group on a trip to the Holy Lands.
Lawrence had been elected President when the Mark Twain Old
Threshers group was first organized in October, 1969. Lawrence was
succeeded by Mr. Leon Foree in the Presidency of the group.
When we went onto the show grounds in the evening the day before
the start of the show and asked for Mr. Foree, we were told,
‘you’ll find him down over that rise at the unloading ramp,
unloading a steam engine.’ Indeed he was. Even Presidents work
at shows. Leon and his group of officers was no exception.
The merchants, citizens, civic organizations and exhibitors all
pitch in to make this show the huge success that it is.
The National Guard, local law enforcement groups and members of
the various civic groups handled the parking in a most orderly
This Show could boast of something which would appel to all age
categories. A well stocked flea market was held under roof.
There was a fiddler’s contest, a square dance and a special
dance for the teenagers. Worship service was an important part of
this show on Sunday.
A draft horse pulling contest was held on Friday night and
parades were held on Saturday and Sunday. These parades included
vintage automobiles as well as tractors, steam engines (full size
and models), and many other items of interest.
Gas engines were there in abundance and in a wide variety. An
exhibit of special interest to me was the Rider Ericsson hot air
engine being shown by Jack & Virginia Folta of Laddonia,
Missouri. To prove-the manufacturer’s claim that this hot air
engine would provide power from anything that would burn, Jack
periodically fueled it with dry cow chips.
Trailers, pulled by tractors, provided tours of the show grounds
and also served as shuttle conveyances.
A miniature train provided rides around a large oval track. This
train was kept busy.
A helicopter provided rides for those who wanted an aerial view
of the area. This helicopter proved to be a very popular
The Pork Producers served breakfast and continued to serve food
all day and into the evening as long as was necessary. Other food
concessions did an admirable job also. There was no need to leave
the grounds for food; however, you could enjoy a drive through the
country or take advantage of a nice shopping area in downtown
There is an old covered bridge about 6 or 8 miles south of town.
We were directed there and took some pictures.
The sanitary facilities are adequate and clean at this show.
The weather was absolutely ideal, with nice balmy days for the
show and cool nights for sleeping.
It is certain that we have forgotten to mention other items of
interest at this show, but we will be back next year if the Good
Lord is willing. We’ll take better more complete notes and a
better cross-section of pictures.