The 21st annual Reunion of the National Threshers Association,
Inc., held at the Fulton County Fairgrounds near Wauseon, Ohio, was
considered by many to be the best such event held so far. Not only
did Mother Nature cooperate by providing almost perfect weather,
but the fine surroundings and adequate facilities lent an air of
suitability that would be hard to equal. Thirty large and many
Reunion has always been credited with the greatest number of good
engines well run of any such gathering. 1965 was no exception, and
keen interest was shown in the several ‘new’ engines
present. Of course tho it is primarily a steam show, Oil Pulls, gas
tractors and models of every description are always present and
always welcomed. Antique cars also were present in the largest
display ever seen at this Reunion, when the Antique Car Club of
Northwest Ohio presented an interesting program in front of the
grandstand Sunday afternoon before the parade. Antique farm
machinery was brought in in unexpected numbers, and with some of it
rare and some beautifully restored, this bids fair to be an even
more important facet of the Reunion next year. Another innovation
was the horseshoe pitching tournament, which went on at the
beautifully landscaped courts in a most successful manner. Perhaps
landscaping is the outstanding feature of these Fairgrounds,
probably because of the interest in this field of the caretaker,
whose wife also runs a flower shop. In keeping with this emphasis
by the Fair Board, in making the grounds a ‘Showplace’, we
expect to have the incline landscaped before next year. As it
stands, it is considered to be ‘The Best Incline in the
Country’, and we hope to make it the
Sawing and threshing are two chief activities of any steam show,
but winter barley was a poor crop in this locality, so the
threshing was limited this year. However, the activity at the
sawmill more than made up for that lack, as 5000 feet of lumber was
sawed, with many engines furnishing the power. An edger and a buzz
saw were also run by engines and a crowd was always found around
the mill, now permanently installed and soon to be covered with a
permanent building. As a part of the agreement with the Fulton
County Fair Board, threshing and sawing will be performed on
‘NTA Day’ at the Fulton County Fair September 9.
A feature of every NTA Reunion has always been the opening
ceremonies. This year Troop 8, Wauseon Boy Scouts, faithfully
officiated at the raising of the flags at 10 o’clock each
morning. To see the red, white and blue of Old Glory, with the blue
and gold silk banner of the NTA and below that the green and gold
TNT banner, float from the 50 foot flag pole in the center of the
infield against the intense blue of the sky, while all stood at
attention for the playing of The Star Spangled Banner and the
invocation by Rev. Elmer Ritzman, was a sight that at least one
spectator will not soon forget. Official welcome was given Thursday
morning by the presidents of the Fair Board and the Chamber of
An impressive sight was four Baker fans anchored to a large
light pole near the center of the infield, with four steam engines
all turning the different fans at the same time. Plans are under
way for the formation of ‘Baker 500 Club’, with membership
open to all engineers whose engines can turn a Baker fan 500
Another interesting feature of this year’s Reunion, slated
to be more important next year, was a friendly competition between
modern John Deere tractors and other older tractors on the Prony
brake. The new John Deere 4020 Diesel tractor turned the Baker fan
560 RPM’s or 93 horsepower, but did not put out as much
horsepower on the Prony brake as a 22-36 McCormick Deering farm
tractor with a 450 cubic inch 6 cylinder International motor. So
much interest was evidenced in this feature this year, it is
planned to invited many more dealers to demonstrate the power of
the new giant tractors that are appearing in greater numbers each
year on the farms of the region.
Sunday morning services were well attended and the sermon of
Chaplain Ritzman, the music of the Gospel Harmonaires, the
Tri-State Gospel Singers and the baritone Guy P. Laubis all made up
a most inspiring service. Four parades, two band concerts, musical
programs, women’s programs and teas, were other features of a
well-rounded overall program, in the opinion of many members.