Mora, Minnesota 55051.
The second Annual Round Lake Steam & Gas Engine Show was
again a big success despite the cool September temperatures. The
show is organized and sponsored by the Southwest Minnesota/
Northwest Iowa’s most eager engine enthusiasts and is held on
the Marty Waage place, on the west edge of Round Lake,
The sound of engines popping and steam whistles screaming
gathered a large crowd of curious spectators. Among the engines
displayed was an upright Lister, manufactured in England, a Monitor
pump engine, pumping water into a cream can that never seemed to
get full, a Cushman and a 15HP tank cooled International. An
Economy Saw rig cut a huge stack of firewood. Jim and Roy Reimer
had their collection of Galloway engines, including a 5 HP, 9 HP
and a Handy Andy, all very nicely restored.
The biggest attraction of the show was Norman Wilson’s steam
engines. Occasionally Norm would have to ‘let off some
steam’ through his mocking bird whistle.
As always, refreshments were served and enjoyed by all, and, of
course, the group is in anticipation of a bigger and better Steam
& Gas Engine Show for 76..