The Second Annual Old Timers Reunion

By James S. Ferree Jr. Climax
Published on May 1, 1975
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Courtesy of James S. Ferree, Jr., The Old Time Historical Association, Box 70, Climax, North Carolina 27233.
Courtesy of James S. Ferree, Jr., The Old Time Historical Association, Box 70, Climax, North Carolina 27233.
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Courtesy: Bernard Hines, 7197 Mississippi St., Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Courtesy: Bernard Hines, 7197 Mississippi St., Merrillville, Indiana 46410
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Courtesy: Bernard Hines, 7197 Mississippi St., Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Courtesy: Bernard Hines, 7197 Mississippi St., Merrillville, Indiana 46410
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Courtesy of Escher Fenske, Route 3, Blue Earth, Minnesota
Courtesy of Escher Fenske, Route 3, Blue Earth, Minnesota
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J. S. Ferree, Sr.,'s Frick thresher and engine threshing rye
J. S. Ferree, Sr.,'s Frick thresher and engine threshing rye
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Some fine ladies demonstrating the old art of making butter [where's the churn?]
Some fine ladies demonstrating the old art of making butter [where's the churn?]
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Courtesy of Arlo Jurney, F3 Kingsland TR. Crt, 520 75 Aue. S.W., Calgary Alberta, T2V OS2
Courtesy of Arlo Jurney, F3 Kingsland TR. Crt, 520 75 Aue. S.W., Calgary Alberta, T2V OS2
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Jack Johnson with his Frick 6-3/4 X 9 D.C. belted to the sawmill.
Jack Johnson with his Frick 6-3/4 X 9 D.C. belted to the sawmill.
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A good shot of a little old time clogging.
A good shot of a little old time clogging.
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J.S. Ferree, Sr. cutting rye with a binder
J.S. Ferree, Sr. cutting rye with a binder
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Courtesy of James S. Ferree, Jr., The Old Time Historical Association, Box 70, Climax, North Carolina 27233
Courtesy of James S. Ferree, Jr., The Old Time Historical Association, Box 70, Climax, North Carolina 27233

North Carolina 27233

The second annual Old Timers Reunion Show was held July 6 and 7,
1974 by the Old Time Historical Association at their showgrounds in
Climax, North Carolina.

Saturday, July 6, 1974 began with rain which fortunately lasted
only a short time and then we had sunshine for the rest of the two

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