North Carolina 27233
The second annual Old Timers Reunion Show was held July 6 and 7,
1974 by the Old Time Historical Association at their showgrounds in
Climax, North Carolina.
Saturday, July 6, 1974 began with rain which fortunately lasted
only a short time and then we had sunshine for the rest of the two
More than ten thousand people from as far away as California
attended this year’s show. The rain probably cut our attendance
by 25% in quantity but not in quality. A finer group of people
I’ve never seen at any show. They behaved well and enjoyed
Jack Johnson of Siler City, North Carolina was here again this
year with his excellent Frick 6-3/4 x 9 double cylinder traction
engines, ser. #23176. Jack acquired his engine from Albert Cooper
of Maryland a while back and takes good care of it. Jack got the
show off to a good start by belting up to our Moffit sawmill and
several Old Timers took turns at the level to saw a nice pile of
lumber. We had plenty of good logs and the sawmill was running most
of the time! Our Moffit sawmill was manufactured in Sanford, North
Carolina, many years ago and we have it set up permanently under a
shed. The mill has been restocked and is in excellent
Then came the wheat threshing with Mr. J.S. Ferree, Sr., 80
years young, setting up his Frick all steel machine and Frick 8-1/2
x 10 portable engine. His grandson Donald Neal Ferree was his
engineer. Mr. ‘J. S.,’ as his friends call him, still
enjoys threshing and hearing the steam engines work. Donald Ferree
is only 21 but he is already a very good engineer even down to
refluing boilers.
Our antique auto display contained about 75 cars of all kinds
including Mr. R. A. Gibbs of Greensboro and his Stanley Steamer.
The cars were displayed along the side of our nine acre lake which
made a beautiful site. We also had several old fire engines on
display. The children really love these old trucks.
A Frick 8-1/2 X 10 portable belted to a Frick thresher at the
1974 Old Timer’s Reunion at Climax, North Carolina.
Gas engines of all makes and sizes from all over were a fine
part of our show. Some pumped water and powered other equipment
while some just ran. Mr. H.B. Macon of Greensboro, North Carolina
had one of his engines running a stone mill grinding mighty good
corn meal which was sold as fast as he could make it.
Mr. Willard Moore of Jamestown, North Carolina had one of his
many engines pumping water which made a very interesting
The gas engines were set up in a grove of trees and the shade
was mighty enjoyable for the operators and the lookers.
We had 12 steam engines of various sizes on display and running
this year. Mr. McCollum of Colfax, North Carolina, reminiscing of
his days on a steam railroad locomotive, ran our 9 x 10 Frick
traction engine. This engine was made in 1906 and still does a good
job. Mr. Robert Lylerly of Mocksville gave us a hand with our Frick
8-1/2 x 10 traction engine. Gas tractors of many sizes and makes
were on hand to give added attraction to our show. Howard McCollum
of Colfax had his 8-16 International and 27-42 Minneapolis in
We had two parades each day, one right after lunch and another
about 6 p.m. The parades added a lot to the show and are
interesting to young and old.
Jerry Tuttle of Greensboro, North Carolina and Dan Brown of
Climax organized a mighty fine Flea Market of about fifteen dealers
of many kinds of goodies. The ladies really enjoy shopping at the
Flea Market.
Jack Bowman and his square dancers delighted the crowd several
times during the day and especially Saturday evening. Grady Hockett
was in charge of the music and provided entertainment with
blue-grass, country and gospel music almost continuously.
Rev. Mark Hodgen held church services on Sunday morning with
Grady Hockett’s group providing gospel music. We had good
attendance for this service.
Max Ulrich of Winston-Salem, North Carolina was the Master of
Ceremonies on Saturday with James S. Ferree, Jr. handling the
microphone on Sunday.
Dan Brown celebrated his birthday on Sunday by signing up over
one hundred members in the Association. A mighty fine way to
The Climax and Julian Firemen’s Auxiliary did a mighty fine
job providing food and drink for the crowd and the Climax Firemen
did an excellent job in manning the show wherever they were
It seems like 100 years since I last saw a clover hulling
operation. At Hamilton we watched Charles Orr, of Hamilton
Missouri, feeding ‘The New Birdsell Clover Huller.’ Charles
kept up a steady feed in spite of the high temperature that day in
1973 at the Hamilton Missouri Steam Show. It was while we watched
this activity that Bob Grant, President of the Show, came around
and talked with us. Bob and his group put on a GOOD show.
This picture was taken in 1915 at Vulcan, Alberta. It shows one
of the five Reeves Steamers that were owned by W.H. Jurney &
Sons. This 40-I40 C.C. Reeves [pulling 7 drills & harrows]
would seed a 1/4 section which is 160 acres, in a day, burning
Drumheller coal. All of the 7 drills are not seen in the picture as
part of it is cut off. The engineer is my Uncle Clyde, the man at
extreme left is my Uncle Loyd , and the man in the middle is my
Dad, Howard Jurney, all brothers.
Early Sunday morning we had the flying of a hot air balloong
which added much interest to the show.
Our show had its beginning in the early 1960’s when Mr. J.S.
Ferree, Sr. renewed his annual wheat threshing at this farm two
miles west of Climax for the benefit of the young people of the
community who hadn’t had the opportunity to see old time wheat
threshing and for the older folks who wanted to reminisce of the
old days. In the early 1920’s Mr. Ferree did custom threshing
and baling in this community with the wooden Keystone #2 Champion
threshing machine and International Harvester baler which he
powered with two Fordson tractors.
In 1973 the Climax Volunteer Fire Department became interested
in the show as a project to help support the Fire Department. The
show was then expanded to cover what threshing, sawmilling, straw
baling, old machinery exhibits, antique car exhibits, antique fire
engine display and Flea Market. The new show was a big success, so
in 1974 The Old Time Historical Association, Inc. was formed to
plan and operate the show with the Climax Volunteer Fire Department
as sponsors. The profits of the show go to the help support the
Fire Department.
We are now off and running, expanding and growing this year. Our
1975 show will be held July 5 and 6, 1975. We had added a 34′ x
200′ machinery shed which will put part of this year’s show
under roof. Make your plans now to attend this fine show.
Robert Fields baling straw with his horsepower baler. All
pictures from 1974 Old Timer’s Reunion.
My Case engine – my son is on the engine. I have the complete
outfit, in good running order, always shedded. I backed it in the
belt 21 falls for threshing.
One of the first things we saw as we entered the grounds at the
Hamilton, Missouri Show in 1973 was Roe Maxwell tending the 65 H.P.
Case which is owned by Virgil Raines. This was one of many extra
good exhibits at this 1973 show. I felt this was one of the
friendliest groups I had ever mingled with at any show.