By George Shepherd
Published on May 1, 1973
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View taken from the station platform with Sanderson & Gifkin tractors on display. The Pioneer Bank with 1911 Rauch & Land electric auto waiting outside. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 3S5
View taken from the station platform with Sanderson & Gifkin tractors on display. The Pioneer Bank with 1911 Rauch & Land electric auto waiting outside. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 3S5
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Part of the 1910 village street at the Saskatoon Museum. Extreme left, the typical village residence with early day switchboard telephone exchange, the harness shop, woodworking shop and blacksmith shop. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Av
Part of the 1910 village street at the Saskatoon Museum. Extreme left, the typical village residence with early day switchboard telephone exchange, the harness shop, woodworking shop and blacksmith shop. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Av
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The veranda of the Hotel Saskatchewan. The lower lights are the Museum Offices. Upper at right, the George Shepherd reference library. At left, the Saskatchewan agricultural Hall of Fame. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Sask
The veranda of the Hotel Saskatchewan. The lower lights are the Museum Offices. Upper at right, the George Shepherd reference library. At left, the Saskatchewan agricultural Hall of Fame. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Sask
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George Shepherd hovers over some of the Museum gasoline and coal oil lamps. Note the arrow point tie clip, relic of George's last Indian battle-or so he says. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S
George Shepherd hovers over some of the Museum gasoline and coal oil lamps. Note the arrow point tie clip, relic of George's last Indian battle-or so he says. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Avenue South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S
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The Grand Old Lady of the Fleet. The 32-120 Reeves steamer on display at the Pioneer Show. This steamer received first prize for being the best kept engine on show during Pioneer Week. Photo taken by Museum Visitor, Mr. Don Bracegirdle of Calgary. Courtes
The Grand Old Lady of the Fleet. The 32-120 Reeves steamer on display at the Pioneer Show. This steamer received first prize for being the best kept engine on show during Pioneer Week. Photo taken by Museum Visitor, Mr. Don Bracegirdle of Calgary. Courtes
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American Abel steamer. It is the heaviest steam engine owned by the Western Development Museum. Built in 1911 and weighing 25 tons, its maximum consumption was 5,000 pounds of coal daily. This tractor could turn over more than four acres of virgin prairie
American Abel steamer. It is the heaviest steam engine owned by the Western Development Museum. Built in 1911 and weighing 25 tons, its maximum consumption was 5,000 pounds of coal daily. This tractor could turn over more than four acres of virgin prairie

Curator, Western Development Museum, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,

Readers of the Iron-Men Album may recall that in the April-May
issue of the Album for 1972 we were happy to record the building of
a new Western Development Museum at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The
ten year old dream has now come true and the interior of the new

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