Then Came Along The Engine Built For Two

By Roy Boling
Published on November 1, 1972
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Roy Boling and son. Randy, on the engine ''built for two''. Courtesy of Roy Boling, Route 1, Box 280, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042.
Roy Boling and son. Randy, on the engine ''built for two''. Courtesy of Roy Boling, Route 1, Box 280, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042.
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A beautiful Reeves taken at the Threshing at Rollag, Minnesota. Courtesy of Arnold Pierson, 416-3rd Street S. W., Little Falls, Minnesota 56345.
A beautiful Reeves taken at the Threshing at Rollag, Minnesota. Courtesy of Arnold Pierson, 416-3rd Street S. W., Little Falls, Minnesota 56345.
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In what is now the cherished land of my youth. Fifty years ago as the writer stood on the operator's platform of this engine, a teenage girl's finger pressed open a shutter that resulted in the original negative, from which this print was recently made. L
In what is now the cherished land of my youth. Fifty years ago as the writer stood on the operator's platform of this engine, a teenage girl's finger pressed open a shutter that resulted in the original negative, from which this print was recently made. L
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A scene at the A. J. Smith Farm in Little Falls, Minnesota. Courtesy of Arnold Pierson, 416-3rd Street S. W., Little Falls, Minnesota 56345.
A scene at the A. J. Smith Farm in Little Falls, Minnesota. Courtesy of Arnold Pierson, 416-3rd Street S. W., Little Falls, Minnesota 56345.
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A picture of myself, Frank Stark, and the late Gustave Block. Threshing machine is a 20 HP Reeves engine and 32-50 New Idea Rumely Separator, taken in 1935. Courtesy of Frank Stark, Billings, Missouri 65610.
A picture of myself, Frank Stark, and the late Gustave Block. Threshing machine is a 20 HP Reeves engine and 32-50 New Idea Rumely Separator, taken in 1935. Courtesy of Frank Stark, Billings, Missouri 65610.
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Western Maryland Shay and Jersey Central Camel Back at B & O Museum at Baltimore, Maryland. Courtesy of Roy R. Hartman, 32 Maryland Ave. S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.
Western Maryland Shay and Jersey Central Camel Back at B & O Museum at Baltimore, Maryland. Courtesy of Roy R. Hartman, 32 Maryland Ave. S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.

Route 1, Box 280, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042.

From before my time and into the 1930’s traction engines
were a familiar sight and were extensively used in a section of
Missouri known as Saline County.

With improved design of the internal combustion engine and
changing methods of harvesting small grain by the late thirties

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