122-19th Ave., N.W., Rochester, Minnesota 55901
This is a 3 generation picture of steam men my husband Curtis
Leighty, age 77 years of Rochester, Minnesota, my son Glen Leighty
age 39 years of River Falls, Wisconsin, and my grandson Curt
Leighty, age 20 of the U. S. Navy in San Diego, California.
Curtis was a fireman on Milwaukee Road when steam locomotives
always been fascinated by steam. He used to take his son Glen down
to the depot from the time he was a baby, and tell him all about
steam and watch the trains come in. After diesels came in he got a
steam traction engine and when his grandson was a small child told
him all about running steam engines. All three of them went to
steam shows together.
This 1916 Gaar Scott 25 HP double cylinder butt strap thick
boiler (working pressure 200#, we carry 155# in it), was gotten in
Canada. It is used 3 days at the Root River Steam Show in Racine,
Minnesota, sawing lumber. This is a new show and very interesting.
It is also used in the Rochester steam show for 2 days sawing
lumber and plowing.
This year at the Rochester steam show of July 27th and 28th,
Curt, our grandson got a leave from the Navy to come home to help
with running the Gaar Scott steam engine in the show.
All three men are very interested in steam. Curt works in the
engine room of the USS Mariner Shields, the ship he is stationed
Curtis Leighty has always been interested in teaching this
younger generation about steam. We need to keep these steam shows a
going so that the people of today see how important was the Power
of the Past.