TORQUE POWER OR Where There’s A Will There’s A Way

By Sheldon Jones
Published on January 1, 1969
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Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Side view of portable engine running fan. Fan appears to be invisible due to the speed it is running.
Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Side view of portable engine running fan. Fan appears to be invisible due to the speed it is running.
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Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Front view of portable engine running fan under 60 lbs. pressure.
Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Front view of portable engine running fan under 60 lbs. pressure.
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Rear view of Portable engine. Pop off blowing at 70 lbs. pressure.
Rear view of Portable engine. Pop off blowing at 70 lbs. pressure.
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Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Front view of my shop. It shows the Dutton engine and Gieasor Boiler.
Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Front view of my shop. It shows the Dutton engine and Gieasor Boiler.
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Courtesy of Russell G. Schworer 37401 Crook St. R.D.2 Grafton, Ohio 44044 10 hp. Nichols and Shepard Engine No. 3786. We found this engine while sight-seeing. It was back on a driveway off of rt. 301 about 3 miles south of Bradenton, Florida. The owner is
Courtesy of Russell G. Schworer 37401 Crook St. R.D.2 Grafton, Ohio 44044 10 hp. Nichols and Shepard Engine No. 3786. We found this engine while sight-seeing. It was back on a driveway off of rt. 301 about 3 miles south of Bradenton, Florida. The owner is
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Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Photo of my first traction engine being run by my friend, Donald Madison from Mt. Airy, Maryland at the 1968 M.S.H.S. at Upperco, Maryland.
Courtesy of Sheldon Jones, Fire Tower Road, Hyattstown, Maryland 20734 Photo of my first traction engine being run by my friend, Donald Madison from Mt. Airy, Maryland at the 1968 M.S.H.S. at Upperco, Maryland.

Firetower Rd., Hyattstown, Md. 20734

After meeting Mr. Riztman on 14 September 1968 at the 13th
Anniversary of the Maryland Steam Historical Society – 1968 in
Upperco, Maryland, I decided to do as he suggested and write a
letter which may be of interest to him and his readers about myself
and my business, Torque Power Live Steam Models.

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