One of the most unusual weather-vanes in Lancaster County is in
the shape of a Case steam traction engine. It has been at the same
spot at Kinzers for about 15 years.
The weathervane was cut from sheet steel by Leroy Ebersol,
Narvon RD, and painted black. It is near the showroom and office of
the Lancaster Equipment Center, Inc.
We saw the weathervane as we rode a train westward between Gap
and Lancaster. Herman Brackbill, a part owner and manager of
Lancaster Equipment Center, filled us in on the story.
The center is across Route 30 from the museum and show grounds
of the Rough and Tumble Engineers, whose members restore and
collect steam and gas farm traction engines. Brackbill’s
father-in-law, the late Arthur S. Young, was a founder of Rough and
Tumble, and operated his business where the center is today.